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L U K E ' S

luke: what are you on about?

michaela: luke, i am michael. michael is me. michaela.

luke: no

michaela: michael gordon clifford

luke: what the fuck

michaela... is michael?

he's been lying this whole time. this whole fucking time.

luke: you've been lying to me this whole time?

michaela: not lying... just not telling the truth?

michaela: please don't be mad

don't be mad? is he kidding me?

why did he pretend to be a girl in the first place? to get something out of me? to be a dick to me like i was to him?

luke: why? why did you do this whole thing?

michaela: i wanted you to get tricked

michaela: i mean, well, you were such a dick to me but i obviously couldn't do anything about it because i'm such a softy so

luke: you're a kitten

luke: ohmygodksj

michaela: what

michaela: what?

luke: i just figured out why your kik name is sweaterpaws

luke: because you're a fucking kitten and you always pull your sleeves over your hands, or should i say paws

michaela: hahah yup

michaela: so you're not mad at me??

luke: no, i understand. i really was a dick to you and i really am sorry

michaela: i know you are

luke: but michael

luke: when you were being michaela, was that really you? or a fake personality too?

michaela: all me

michaela: :-)

luke: good because i liked michaela

luke: but i guess i like michael more

michaela: what

luke: you know what i'm saying jeez, i told michaela everything

michaela: well lucass

luke: hey :-(

michaela: :-)

michaela: i like you more

just as i'm about to reply, i hear a knock at the door. i sprint downstairs and open it.

"michael" i smile, locking eyes with him.

in that moment, i felt so happy. i felt so lucky. and then without another word, our lips connected.

lol what the heck did i do

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