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M I C H A E L (A)

((a/n: ty bby girl michaelbaby for the idea for this chapp))

*a few days later*

michaela: hii :-)

luke: heyy

luke: is it hi or hey though like i don't know which to use

michaela: whatever floats your goat i guess

luke: isn't the saying 'whatever floats your boat'? hahahaha

michaela: idk i just like saying goat. goats are funny

luke: that is very true. strange strange animals

michaela: so how was your day??

luke: it was great!!

michaela: aw why's that??

luke: the person i like talked to me :-))

michael's eyes droop as he sighs, of course luke likes someone else.

michaela: aww!! what happened??

luke: i don't really remember to be honest, i was a little flustered so i don't remember hehehe

michaela: new otp

luke: what's an otp?

michaela: oh my god

luke: whattttt

michaela: one true pairing. like halsey and josh dun you know??

luke: ohhh right yes i see now. great example btw

michaela: i know right omg they are so like oahrkfjnwns

michaela: anyway, what's this person you have a crush on like? why do you like them? :-))

luke: they're really shy but i find it fucking adorable. i sorta always make fun of shy people in general but it's actually cute as fuck but like yeah. they're just really adorable and cute and always seem so happy and i like to see them happy

michaela: that's the cutest thing. definitely my otp

luke: :-)

luke: so, do you like anyone michaelaaaaa?

michaela: well, there's this one guy...


yup bringing josh and halsey into this bc why tf not

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