May 1

93 3 2

hey everyone!!! 

hmm... i need a new nickname for you... oh well i'll think of it later. 

Not in a  Silver Casket by Edna St.Vincent Millay

Not in a silver casket cool with pearls

Or rich with red corundum or with blue,

Locked, and the key withheld, as other girls

Have given their loves, I give my love to you;

Not in a lovers'-knot, not in a ring

Worked in such fashion, and the legend plain—

Semper fidelis, where a secret spring

Kennels a drop of mischief for the brain:

Love in the open hand, no thing but that,

Ungemmed, unhidden, wishing not to hurt,

As one should bring you cowslips in a hat

Swung from the hand, or apples in her skirt,

I bring you, calling out as children do:

"Look what I have!—And these are all for you."

what is she saying? what do you think?

could it be

two lovers hidden from the world?

a secret with held from most, only a few who know?

forever locked away?

who is it about?

why does it exist?

the answers forever buried

deep within the mist.

those sweet words 

so many years ago

what do they mean? 

what happened?

i really want to know.

Ramblings of a Red Haired GirlWhere stories live. Discover now