june 19

32 4 3

my mother. my stupid mother. she does all her stupid little projects and then asks for my help with them and then she doesnt even tell me what the hell she wants and expects me to help her. shes just like "help me with this" and if i ask what to do, she will yell at me. if i say i dont know what to do, she yells at me. or she says its cause im not paying attention. shes so annoying and aggravating. its just ARHHH. i want to strangle her sometimes. 

and then im on wattpad writing and she asks what im doing and i used to show her what i write. i wont do that anymore. like i will not let her read anything i write. she laughs at me. shes just like "oh L****A***, your so funny." and im like seriously, what if i wrote a murder scene? would you laugh then? and she would. she always treats me like some little kid that doesnt know anything. im freekin 15 years old, in a few years, i will be out of high school and out of the house, i am growing up. she still treats me like im 2 years old. she always has. and im never good enough for her. 

she will go online or to a store and spend money that we dont have on clothes that look bad. and ok lets face it, im not exactly skinny (im fat... just. dont argue with me on that, i am) and she will buy something to small, just so she can call me fat. and she'll be like "well if you lost 15 lbs, you would look so cute in that" and im like wtf? if i lost 15 lbs, it would still look like shit cause you said that with that other shirt and then i lost weight and then it still looks like shit. 

she makes me so fucking mad. 

ok im done. 

you can go on with your life

thanks for reading

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