October 23

23 3 4

Ok. so i need to make up parts in this cause i dont have much time to do a lot of entries.

well first, i will tell you about Biology

its my least favorite. its right after lunch and that makes the teacher think that everyone will be on time and no one will need to use the bathroom. as if we have nothing better to do with our lunch than sit at school. my school has an open campus policy for high schoolers. a lot of kids go downtown for lunch. he think that.. well he thinks a lot of things wrong. 

so the begininning of the year, i thought his class was ok, kinda fun, we get to do some cool stuff. i like doing science stuff. but then he changed the seating chart. i am one of those kids that gets A's on everything and always ends up giving other people answers and im pretty smart. and i got stuck with the one kid in the class who will do no work, whatsoever. so i had to do all the work to get a good grade, which meant i had to work an extra day on my research thinine about primates (oh and on a side note, the dude i had to work with killed our termite experiment. -.- just sat there and smashed the termite with his pen. dumbass) and so i didnt hear my teacher say that we were suppost to show him our vocab we had been working on. i had it done like a week before that, but i didnt know we had to show him. 

so i was back at the computer workin on my monkey busness, while everyone else went up to show him their vocab. not so bad. so i get an A on the primates paper thing by myself and am done and all my other assignments are A's. and the next day i go check my grades. i have a D. so im like "wtf why do i have a D, i passed every assignment." so i looked and it was the missing vocab thing. 

the vocab assignment was 6 words. 6 fucking little words that were pretty fucking easy.

primate, any animal that is an ape, monkey, or human,

cerebellem- the small part of the brain under and behind the cereberum, controls posture, ballance, and Motor skills

cerebrum- the main part of the brain, taking up most of the brain cavity, controls thoughts, emotions, reason and memory.

evidence- the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. 

Ex: video of someone stealing a car

inferance: a conclusion based on cercumstantual evidence and pryor knowledge

Ex: their DNA was at the crime scene so they did it

Innate Behavior- a reaction to a stimulas without thinking about it.

Ex: flinching when something sharp pokes you.

that is the entire thing that kept me at a D instead of an A. 

and so im just like "ok, i can just get it graded later." so he only takes late work before or after school. thats fine, i just have to go see him before school. so i get my notebook with the words and i walk over to his room.

he isnt there.

and so i try the next day.

still not there before school

and so on for a week. and so one day, i saw him go into his room so i hurried up to my locker to get my notebook and show him. he was gone by the time i got there. and i know where he was. he was out messing around with the seniors. so that day in class, i asked him if he could grade it, because he haddent been there in the morning. and hadent been there in the morning all week.

he told me "im sorry but i cant change my scedule to help your grade"

thats what he told me. after saying all this bull about how he is always there for his students and shit. he wasnt there. like every morning. and teachers are suppose to be at school at 8 to help their students and then stay after school for half an hour in case their students need them. 

so i find out, not only is he never there in the morning, and couldnt be helped to grade a paper in class when he is doing nothing, but he leaves as soon as the bell rings because "he has to go to football practice"

which doesnt start till an hour after school ends. the other football coaches always are in their classrooms when they are suppose to be. 

hes just a jerk. 

and today he was telling us how it was all peoples fault that our world is so run down and how we would all be ok if everyone were limited to one child.

he may be right, that there are to many people on the earth and we are going to run out of all reacorces, but that whole limit children thing. 

it makes me really really mad. 

it has never worked. it never will. because people will not settle for just one. there will alwyas be extra children. and what will happen to them? will they be put to death, just because they are alive? will they be sent to orfanages, and be treated worse?

he doesnt have kids so i guess thats why he sees nothing wrong with that.

hes just a jerk

and he always thinks hes right.

it just... he makes me mad on so many levels

have you guys ever had to have a teacher like this? or a boss? how do you handle it?

they are up there talking, telling everyone in the class that they are the only right answer. it makes me so mad. but what can i do? he has an argument for everything and any time i try to speak for what i believe to be right and true, he pushes me down and wont let me say a word.

im suppose to have freedom of speach just like the rest of this country. why am i not allowed to talk?

im going to stop now. before i get into politics and rights and stuff.

love you chickens.



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