July 1

29 2 0

hey everyone!

so now that its morning i can see again so i can write more

im sooooooooo hungry right now. breakfast is almost ready and it smells sooo good. 

im a little disappointed... we havent had a fire and we didnt bring stuff for smores. :(

i still cant believe my friend didnt know what smores are... thats like... a crime against the world...

its nice here but im worried about my wattpad friends... sometimes things happen and they think things they shouldnt... they think htey should leave and that they are worthless and stuff... im so worried that when i get back home, some of them wont be there... im worried about what happens when im not here to tell them its ok. i just hope they're alright.... i wish i had someone to check to make sure that tehy are ok when im not there...

well i ran out of things to say so im going to go do something... maybe sleep some more.

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