Pro: I ended the day with a slice of chocolate cake.
Con: I have a dentist appointment in the morning.
Pro: we sheared my lambs so they are more comfortable.
Con: we didnt finish completely
Pro: I got them walked pretty easily
Con: I'm sore and ache all over
Pro: my grandparents got their old dishwasher removed
Con: I spent all morning on the floor twisting wires and unhooking things
Pro: I did stuff today
Con: I didn't have any time to talk to my friends
Con: mom was home
Con: nothing I did was right cause I did it
Pause. Rant:
Ok so I was shearing my lamb and mom starts going off on how nothing she does is right by dad or me and we have to go and tell her about everything she does wrong. Like what the hell? She does that all the time. I can never do anything right by her. Never will. Never have. I tried walking my lamb, something I know how to do, I mean I've only been doing it 5 years. And she yells at me "DO IT RIGHT!"
Like what the heck, I thought I was. But apparently I am not good enough for you.
I have the second worst mother I've ever met. Nathanael's was worse. He killed himself because of her. I just thought about it a lot. Until he died... I don't think about doing that anymore.
Pro: free dinner
Con: desert sale for FFA
Pro: bought a cake for $110 -.-
Con: school kids were there
Pro: teenagers were asked to help with stuff
Con: no one wanted to ask me cause no one there likes me.
Pro: school starts soon. More time with people
Con: less time with real friends.
Pro: I got an idea for a new story.
Con: I had to delete the story I was working on, and I lost my best friend. For the same reason. To
Dangerous. :(
Pro: ummm... Resorting back to the cake.
Con: my second best friend/ sister is depressed cause of... Reasons...
Pro: that was one damn good cake.
Con: cake reminds me of my best friend
Pro: did I mention it was chocolate and home made?
Con: cake can not replace my best friend.
Pro: umm... Second thoughts on that cake...
Con: I think I'm going to be sick... To much sugar in that cake... Ug... I gtg. *runs to room* uuuuuuhh... Tummy does not feel good.
Ramblings of a Red Haired Girl
Randomthis is my online journal, as well as an ongoing story. um... ya. its my journal but i made up this story and i'm putting scenes from it into here. so... ya. read if you want, if your gunna hate, dont read it. plain and simple. thanks :D May 1, 2013...