Aug. 4

29 2 9

So this week at my church is VBS (vacation bible school)

And I get to take pictures and make a poster out of them. :) and help with the arts and crafts.

This is totally random, but my sunburn hurts... A lot.

Well anyway.

Today I went to church and I got to see my friend who has been in Africa :) she just got back home a few days ago. She had a lot of fun. :) and she brought me a bag. It's really cool.

And then I went to lunch with my parents and grandparents. Fun. Not.

And then mom made dad and me go shopping with her -.- oh well, I got my school stuff and some stuff for FFA and my poster and stickers for the VBS poster.

And fly swatters.

Idk I'm random.

And.... Ya. :)

Then we came home, and I changed the sprinklers and fed the sheep and read this awesome story by @BillTemple called Whisper (go read it... It's sooooooooo sweet/cute it's just... Akfjenu it's so cute. Like every chapter, I'm either about to cry or I'm like awwwwwww :)

Or there's a cliff hanger. -.- then I comment something like ":O you are a meanie. -.- :P"

Annnnyway. I am going to go talk to my friend cause I won't get to much this week and then I'm going to read cause I'm in the middle of this chapter where there's a big battle thing and ya.

By chickens!

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