July 26

30 1 2

hello everyone.

today is a sad day.

one of my favorite authors is leaving wattpad. 

His name is Owain Glyn. if you have looked in the comments on these, you will see that most of this stuff has his funny comments on it. he read EVERYTHING. 

he will be missed by a lot of people. he helped a lot of us on wattpad. if you fanned him, he would fan back. and he always read everything that people he had fanned posted. 

then this morning he said he was leaving wattpad. i was just like (talking to the computer screen) "say WHAT?? b-b-b-but... its... he cant..." 

and then he said he was sick. 

i guess i cant blame him, his health is more important than wattpad. but still, i will miss his comments. it was nice to know that someone out there is reading this and that im not typing a bunch of words to no one

thank you Owain Glyn for always reading. and commenting. and voting. on everything. i wouldnt exactly call you my friend -i hardly knew you- but i knew you a little better than a stranger. and you knew me pretty well, after reading all this and the stuff on that other account.

thank you for always being there. i mean, with everyone else its just like eh they might read it or they might not. but with you, i could always count on you to read all the stuff i posted.

thank you for being an awesome guy. 

and your poems... they are sooo beautiful. and funny too. you could always make people laugh. 

we will miss you while you are gone. and hopefully you will be back soon. im not sure what wattpad would do without you. i think we might just fall apart. 

so get better soon, OwainGlyn. we will be here waiting when you get back (which you better come back soon.)


Leah. :)

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