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{ Maya }

I was asleep, dreaming about a life where I had a family, when the annoying ringing of my phone woke me up. I groaned and sat up in my bed, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. I grabbed my phone next to me, pressing the 'Accept' button.


I was wondering who was calling me in the middle of the night.

"Maya, it's Mr. Matthews."

I furrowed my eyebrows together. I'm sure Mr. Matthews wouldn't be calling a 14 year old girl in the middle of the night.

"Mr. Matthews? Why are you calling me in the middle of night? Well I get that you don't have any friends to call, but still."

"Maya, it's about Riley."

I could hear him trying not to cry. I was worried and confused about my best friend.

"What happened to Riley!?"

I could feel my own tears ready to come out.

"Maya...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Mr. Matthews spit it out!"

The dam of tears broke down and began cascading down my face. I couldn't help it. Riley was my best friend, she was my best friend until we died.

"Riley got shot and is in the hospital."

I hung up and ran out of the bed. Putting my coat on and my shoes, and running out the door.


The memory still burns in my mind.

That awful day was last year. Riley was supposed to experience her first prom, her first year of high school, her first date, her first boyfriend, her graduation. It's not fair. It's not fair how people just die. God makes people have a life, then it's just gone. Riley was supposed to live a long life. I thought I would be the one to die first.

I was wrong.

I sighed and got out of the bathroom. I changed. I changed to be a cheerleader. Riley always wanted me to have hope. I couldn't grant her wish. I beat myself over the bad things I did to Riley, which resulted me into changing to this new person. I sometimes wish I was in Riley's place. I was the one supposed to die. People thought I was depressed, I was.

I almost killed myself, who can blame, I wanted to be with my best friend. I almost swallowed the pills, but then I thought, Riley wouldn't want this. I would've ended up in hell, not heaven.

I heard heels and giggling coming my way. I pulled my crop top up some more. Time put on my mask. I put on a fake smile and turned to the side to see the other cheerleaders. Otherwise known as the populars.

"Hey Maya."

Olivia, one of the cheerleaders said to me as she giggled. I giggled back. The head cheerleader, Aubrey, spoke up.

"So girls, I heard Missy Bradford was hosting a party. You guys up for it."

It was more like a demand than a question. All of us nodded. Riley wouldn't want this. How can I know when she's dead? She's gone. Slipped away from my life. I know Riley's in heaven, I should just let her be happy. They never caught the shooter, never. I wanted to kill the person who ended Riley's life. These halls aren't the same anymore. No one is the same.

Darby and Yogi broke up.

Sarah moved away.

Zay...no one knows what happened to him.

Lucas, we don't talk anymore.

Farkle, moved across the country. Not saying goodbye.

Riley was a ray of sunshine.

I was just a broken piece of glass.

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