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{ Lucas }

"Hi, it's Maya! I either am not here or just didn't feel like talking to you. Leave a message at the beep!"

I groaned tossing my phone on my bed. I have been calling Maya for about an hour and she still hasn't returned my calls. At this moment, I realized I had messed up.

I wanted to apologize, but Maya didn't make it easy. Her stubbornness and my anger issues, it would take a long time for the other person to apologize.

In this case, I should be the person to apologize. Farkle came over, he tried to give me a pep talk but it didn't work. I bet he and Riley never fought and they weren't even dating.

I collapsed on my bed, I was exhausted. I groaned when I remembered we have school tomorrow. I hate when I remember, but it was part of a students life.

{ Maya }
I banged my hands on my steering wheel. My fucking phone just had to die right when I got in my car. Peachy, just peachy. I'm living the life.

There was a whole bunch of traffic. I shouldn't be surprised, it's New York for christ sake. But what I didn't except was there to be a rush hour.

I looked to my side to see a guy and a woman getting dirty in the taxi cab. I grimaced when the guy was getting down to her panties. People in New York are sometimes weird and disgusting.

The green light finally turned on, "Yes! Victory is mine!" It soon wasn't when I saw more traffic.

"Fuck it, I'm taking the highway." I turned my car and drove into the empty highway. I hummed along on the song that was on the radio. But suddenly my favorite song came one, it was by Halsey, Blue.

"Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so!" I jammed along to it, flipping my hair everywhere.

"Everything is blue!" I didn't care if anyone saw me, I was having fun. The fun was over when I got a text from my phone.

Unknown: Hey Maya, you know what they say about texting and driving. If only you had listened in Health class about it.

I was confused as hell. If Lucas wasn't sending these texts, then who is it? I didn't have time to think when I looked up and saw a car coming toward me.

I could only scream as my world fell into darkness.

{ Farkle }

The events with Riley had repeated all over again. Except this time, the call was about Maya. I was working on my homework, it was 8:00 pm. My phone rang and I went to go get it.


"Hi Farkle, this is the hospital calling for Maya Hart. Yes, I'm afraid your friend has been in a accident."

I didn't have time to register the rest of the words. I grabbed my coat and ran out the door. All I knew was, that I never got to say goodbye to Riley because I was too late.

Maya's my best friend, I can't make the same mistakes like I did with Riley.

{ Lucas }

I ran out the door with my car keys in my hand. I got a call that Maya's been hurt. Riley was already gone, I can't lose Maya.

I drove as fast as I could to Greenwich Hospital. My eyes were starting to be overcome with tears. Everyone says men shouldn't cry. That if they do they're called wimps and weaklings.

But what they don't know, that crying is not a weakness. It means you've been strong for far too long.

{ Missy }

"Really Missy, you had to break her ribs."

"Oh shut up! That bitch deserves it." I looked at Smackle, to Charlie, to Billy, and finally Zay.

Zay was the person who came up with this plan. He was like the ruler of this kingdom while we were the workers, and the other two were the victims in this.

"Be quiet, she did good." I smirked as Zay nodded at me. Our plan was to kill all four of the gang, but that was delayed when Zay said to wait a year.

But here we are, and I don't regret a thing. It was my job to watch over Maya. It was Charlie's job to watch over Lucas, but secretly. And Smackle immediately took the job of looking over Farkle.

And right now Maya isn't going to the hospital, she was coming with us. None of us are doctors expect Charlie. Billy said he was going to track down Farkle and get him to our hideout. Zay said he would take Lucas.

"Hey Zay, why do you hate Lucas?"

"That's another story, for now let's focus on this one."

A/N, okay to be honest, I didn't want to make Zay the bad guy, but I thought it would add more drama. I wanted Maya to end up at that hospital, but I decided the R Gang would take her to their hideout, (The R Gang is Smackle, Charlie, Billy, Missy, and Zay. Get it, because of PLL. No, it's just me, okay.)

Hope you guys enjoyed this part!

X O X O, Ella

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