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{ Maya }

I walked to school, feeling broken, but having a little hope. Last night is one night I'll never forget. Riley wants me to be happy, and I'm gonna do that for her. That doesn't mean I'll change back to who I was, it'll take time. A lot of time. I sighed, stopping at the doors of high school. Time to put my mask on, for now.

I put a smile on my face, meeting up with the cheerleaders. As usual they were all wearing there revealing outfits. I shouldn't be talking since I'm wearing a tank top and a short skirt. That's the 'dress code', for the populars.

"Hey Maya, nice outfit."

Another one of the cheerleaders, Alexis, said while smiling. Alexis was the nice cheerleader. She wasn't bitchy nor rude, but she can never replace Riley. Riley was this teleporting rainbow, and no one can ever replace that.


I gave her a fake smile back, before talking with the other cheerleaders. The bell rang, talk about being saved by the bell. I said bye to the other populars, before going to history class. I took my mask off, looking around the clusters of people. Some were smiling, and some were just sad.

I started to pay attention where I was going. I was suddenly pulled into an empty classroom. I started kick the person, the grip was suddenly off me. I turned on the lights, I was met by Lucas on the floor, holding his crotch. Well then.

"What the hell was that for!?"

"Can we focus on the pain on my balls!"

"Oh please! The pain will go away."

"How do you know!? You girls don't get kicked in the balls."

"We girls don't have balls, we have vaginas. And we get blood out of it every once a month, and hurts as hell. So which one is more painful?"

"Point taken."

Lucas got up from the floor, coming closer to me. I backed away while he came closer. We kept doing this until I hit the wall.

"We need to talk about last night."

His minty breath was fanning on my face. I wanted to kiss him so bad.

"What did we do last night."

"One word. Riley."

I looked down, I knew exactly what Lucas was talking about. A tear slipped down my face, that was the last time I saw my best friend. The last and final time. I wanted to tell Riley so many things, what we usually did. But she's gone again, another door closed in my life.

Lucas put a finger under my chin, making me look up. He wiped the single tear away with his thumb. His eyes were a light green, so beautiful. His face, was well, handsome, cute, hot as hell. He was taller than me, has muscle. His hair made me want to run my fingers through them. I wanted to kiss him, Riley wants me to be happy.

At the same time it feels like I'm betraying her. Is this really the right thing to do? Me and Lucas just stared at each other thinking the same thing.

Oh what the hell.

I leaned in and captured my lips with Lucas. I put passion and fire into it. He kissed back with as much force. I finally put my hands through his soft hair. He put his hands on my waist tight, afraid that I would let go.

For the first time I had hope.

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