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•Tagged by RileysHart
1. Must list all rules, (like I am doing right now, lol)
2. Must give thirteen facts
3. Must tag thirteen people
4. Don't say "no tags"
5. Must complete within a week
6. Tag backs are allowed
7. Use creative titles
8. Must answer all the questions I give
9. Must be in a book/status book; not on a comment or on a message board


1. Um..since my life is basically just watch YouTube and support the cause #freetheunicorns, I like to draw in my free time

2. I cried because of Teen Wolf, because how can you not! I'll warn you, there are spoilers ahead, but when Scott's mom found out about him, his face just looked so heartbroken. Like OMG, I just wanted to hug him.

3. Mockingjay  Part 2, it was so emotional. But some characters had a blast, if you know what I mean.

4. My favorite Wattpad is The Bad Stole My Bra, and I'm already excited for the spinoff, The Anti-Delinquent System.

5. Okay, so I'm afraid of heights, um creepy pasta, the dark, Rucas happening, um, that's it.

6. Favorite celebrity, let's see, 5SOS, Rowan Blanchard, Sabrina Carpenter, Halsey, (I think Halsey is a celebrity, idk,)

7. AGHH, THIS QUESTIONS SO HARD. I CANT JUST CHOOSE ONE MEMBER. But, I think decision has to come to Luke Hemmings. I love 5SOS. And partly because his hair looks majestic, ok moving on.

8. My favorite song right now is Blue, Halsey. I love the song and the part two of the song. It just so good, like, yasssss all the way.

9. I went to Europe last summer, i did not like the plane at all. This woman leaned her seat all the way up on me. I needed to buy me a Gertrude and Patrcia so I can go all llama up on her.

10. No weird things happen to me, but um, if I have to say, so I was at the orthodontist and one thing I noticed was no one smiled. It was so weird. And I kept just looking down, and no one at all even smiled once. In the waiting no one smiled and everyone looked at me and my dad and it was just so weird.

11. My favorite theme song is GMW. I always sing at the top of my lungs.

12. Demi, because she killed that cover of Hello by Adele, like might as well take all of my weaves.

13. Nope, no crushes here. #Single4life.

1. Favorite TV show
2. Favorite character
3. The craziest thing that happened to you
4. Last person you texted
5. 5SOS or One Direction
6. Night or day
7. Favorite subject
8. Favorite color
9. Your lifetime goal
10. Favorite ship(s)
11. Favorite movie
12. Weirdest thing at school
13. Favorite High School Musical movie

harthurr LucayaHugs asdfghjklucaya RangerRicks rangerdoy hahurrs ttolucaya clutterbuckets lucayatic ximagethedreamx nidnid916 klutzypurplecats Kween_Llama

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