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{ Lucas }

I walked in to school, with my hoodie on, my head down, and my hands in my pocket. That night with Riley, I can't forget about it. When she kissed me my feelings came back for her. Then some new feeling came, for Maya. I know Riley's gone, I just can't forget about her, no one can. She brought the brightest light to the darkest light, she brought the rainbow after a storm.

Most importantly, she believed everything could be fixed even when it's broken and you can't fix it.

But who can fix me?


{ Maya }

I walked in and sat at my desk, instantly putting my head down. One thing never crossed my mind was the night with Riley. I just wish she came back again. I decided to not dress slutty for once, I wore a leather jacket, t - shirt, black jeans, and vans. Lucas walked in, he just sat in his seat and slouched down. I turned around to look at Lucas.

"I know I'm hot, now turn around."

I didn't ignore him, instead I took his hand.

"Lucas, I know what's up, your thinking about Riley."

He abruptly let go of my hand and inched his face close to my mine.

"How the hell would you feel in my shoes? Huh, you don't know what it's like to loose the girl you loved."

"I do, because I loved her too."

Lucas instantly calmed down, it was like my voice had set off Texas Lucas. To be honest, I was proud of that. The bell rang and I turned back into my seat, waiting for Mr. Matthews. He walked in, the same usual attire. A dull blazer, dull brown pants, everything about him was dull ever since Riley died.

Everyone seemed to have one change in them ever since Riley died. Everyone loved her, everyone. Mr. Matthews wrote something on the board and moved so all of us can see it.


Everyone didn't do anything, they just looked at that filthy word. My breath hitched in my throat, this is gonna be bad.

"Okay class, today we are going to learn about death. I know what's everyone thinking, 'it's going to be about Riley'," I looked down at my lap, "Yeah it is, it's actually simple. Riley lived," Mr. Matthews stopped, his eyes tearing up a bit.

I looked around, time for another soap opera, "Riley, lived...a great life, with a best friend by her side," Everyone looked at me, "A Farkle, and a cowboy crush," I turned around and Lucas just smiled, "And two parents who taught her how to face the world, and a little brother who always seemed to cover for her."

"Riley died...shot...murdered," Again, Mr. Matthews stopped, the first tear ran down his dull cheek, "Riley tried, trust me, she would've fought for her life knowing she just faced the world and couldn't end it here."

I couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the classroom.


{ Lucas }

I didn't know what came over me, but I knew I had to chase after Maya. So I did, I followed her down to the girls bathroom. Busting it open, and seeing a broken Maya by the sinks.


I grabbed her arm gently but she pulled away.

"Stop! No Lucas! I'm tired of playing this stupid game with you! Riley doesn't want this! I know you like her Lucas! You always have and always will, so you need to forget about me!"

She walked but I grabbed her arm and pulled her toward me. I did the most bravest thing a man could do.

I kissed her.

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