t w e n t y - t h r e e

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{ Maya }

I opened my eyes to complete sunlight. My throat was thirsty, my body ached, and my head was pounding every second. I looked around me to see I was in someone else's room. But then I saw Lucas's pictures and breathed a sigh of relief.

Wait. Lucas!?

I instantly got up, "I didn't notice you were awake," I looked behind me to see Lucas. His eyes looked puffy and red, and he had bags under his eyes.

"Why did you take me here?"

"Well, I didn't know where you lived, so I brought you here. Oh, and did I mention you were high last night," He came toward me with some Advil and glass of water.

"How do I know you didn't poison them, for all I know you could've killed Riley like that."

He sighed, "Why would I poison them, I'm not evil."

I hesitated a bit, my head was pounding and I really needed some water. But at the same time, Lucas was a murderer, at least that's what Farkle says. I looked in his eyes, and I saw heartbreak. A feeling I known for a long time.

I took the Advil and popped some in my mouth, before swallowing it with water. I sat on Lucas's bed, awkward silence filling the room.

"I didn't kill Riley and you know that, Maya."

I looked over at Lucas, all I could think of was, what happened to the boy I met on the subway. But the way he said my name, it was almost forgiving. His green eyes only held sadness. But I didn't want to fall into this trap again.

"Prove it to me then."

I whispered that only Lucas could hear, "I don't know how else to prove it to you Maya. Isn't loving you enough."

"No, Lucas it isn't! I'm tired of dealing with heartbreak from left to right! It's always there, you know."

Lucas stood up, walking closer to me, "What about me Maya!?"

I stood up too, "You called me a slut when we first talked after Riley's death!"

"But I regret it! Now, you mean so much to me Maya! Why can't you see that!?"

"Oh yeah, if I mean so much to you, right when I ran off from the news Farkle told, I was heartbroken. Yes, I had hope that you would run after me. But you know what you didn't, you chose to prove Farkle wrong, by showing him you were right about not killing Riley, and you know I'm right Lucas. When being right is more important in a relationship than love, then that's the end of it."

I was about to leave, when I felt a tug on my arm. Lucas spinned me around, and smashed his lips on mine. By now, I was confused about my feelings, I could only kiss him back.

"Please don't leave me, Maya," And there he goes, I could hear his heartbreak.

"No, I'm sorry. I need some time alone Lucas."

I broke away from him, I could see Lucas's face fall, "What do you mean?"

"Lucas, I need time to figure out my feelings."

"No, no, Farkle will come, a-and we can figure out who killed Riley, and then this will all go away, I'll call you-"

"No, don't call me, please."

I gave a one last kiss on Lucas's cheek, before leaving his room.


A/N, I'm an evil bitch, I know. But trust me Lucaya will get together, but not now. I honestly hate the new update on Wattpad. I can barely comment, and it's just so annoying. But yeah, I will updating Teenage Misfits.

I hope y'all liked this part!

X O X O, Ella

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