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{ Lucas }

I looked at Maya who was trying to balance a pencil on her nose. I shook my head, she was always trying every way to get out of homework, studying, or anything that has the word work in it. Riley and Farkle seemed to be the only one enjoying this science project, after all it was on Mars and Pluto. Maya and me got the moon and the sun.

The earth was between them, like a barrier from them trying to get closer. "Hey Lucas."

I looked at Maya who looked at Riley, "Yeah."

"What makes you and her, have so much hope in this world." I looked at her confused, why would she ask that question?

"You and Riley always seem to have hope, your both dreamers. Riley she's trying to push me, but you know me, I don't like being pushed."

I chuckled while she smiled, "I've noticed."

"Look, it's not if you hope it's gonna happen it happens or doesn't, it's about how much you believe in it. For me, to have a lot of hope, you just gotta believe you can."

"Huh, thanks Lucas. I really needed that."

• • •

That was the time I opened Maya Hart to not hope, but to believe you can have hope.

I was just hoping that wherever she is, or whoever took her, she can believe she she can have hope. It's been one week, one week without Maya. One week without her witty sarcasm. One week without her kisses. One week without her hahurrs. One week without her love.

God, it's been like hell. I don't feel like going to school, I don't feel like trying overall. I was sitting in my room, my family has been worried about me. I tell them I'm fine and hide it with a smile. But they know I'm lying. Farkle has been faking it too, he decided to go back to school. I can't lose Maya, I already lost Riley.

{ Farkle }

I looked out of Maya's window, where all of her people were going home. I knew Maya was always poor. I knew that she has to come home to a leaky roof. I know that she has a hole for her pet ferret because she couldn't afford a bed for him. And I also know that she didn't have a lot of hope, maybe that's why she looks at the world a different way.

"Hey Maya." She stopped drawing in her sketchbook and looked up at me.

"Yeah Farkley?"

"How do you see the world different? I've always that the world was like science. Everyone here is a living organism, for a living organism to live it needs to grow. So how do you see the world?"

"For a second I thought you were going to give a lesson like Matthews." She put away her sketchbook, "Well, Farkle for a girl who doesn't have a lot of hope, I see the world as art."

"Why am I not surprised." 

She laughed before talking again, "You see, your the artist of your sketchbook. You have to fill in the pages. You sketch out the drawing, then you add the color. You can perfectly draw out your life, or you can mess up a few times and smudge the page. But you still keep drawing until the picture turns out just the way you want it, and then you know it was worth it. That's how I feel right now. Then you add the colors, you might chose light or dark, or a mix of both. For me, it's mostly dark."

"But you have a little light, right."

"Not all the time Farkle." With that she went back drawing in her sketchbook, her speech stuck in my mind.

• • •

Maya's speeches always got me thinking about life.

It's been one week of hell for me, everyone at school kept going to school normally. Some people actually had hearts and reassured me that Maya will be found. Huh, funny since the police couldn't even find her at the car crash. Missy wasn't at school either. In fact so wasn't Smackle. Weird, it's like they all just disappeared.

I sometimes wonder what Riley's thinking of this mess. She's probably painting sad purple cats, Ms. Kossal might of thought it wasn't art, but I always thought they were amazing every time she painted one.

God, what fresh hell are we living in.

A/N, Woah, that speech about life being like art tho. I never thought I could come with something like that. It even got me thinking about life, lol.

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