t h i r t y - t w o

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{ Maya }

When I opened my eyes I expected to see red fire or a staircase leading up. I knew I had died, and I had died in the arms of my first love. It was perfect. I said my last words to Lucas, making sure he would remember them along with Farkle. But I didn't at all see red fire or a staircase, I was still living.

I was on the floor and all I heard were sirens. I got up and looked around, I was still in the abandoned building. I saw Lucas and immediately ran over to him. He was following the paramedics, it looked like someone was on the stretcher.

"Lucas!" I screamed his name, a bunch of times. I even went in front of his face and yet he still couldn't hear me. It was like I was invisible. He was yelling to the person on the stretcher. "Stay with me Maya! I can't lose you!"

Maya? I looked at the stretcher and gasped.

It was me.

I suddenly knew what was happening. My mind was still alive but my body wasn't. I was going to live. All I had to do is wake up. "It's not going to be easy." I felt someone touch my shoulder and turned around.


I couldn't believe it, Riley was here and standing right in front me. "Yes peaches, it's me. And right now you have to wake up."

"Can't you see, I'm trying to Riley."

"But you don't believe you can." I shook my head. I knew I could do it. I ignored Riley and ran after Lucas and Farkle who joined in win him.

I climbed on the ambulance, I held Lucas's hand but his face did all the talking. He was staring at my paralyzed body. I didn't even think I would still be alive to this day.

"Farkle." I looked across from me to see Riley was on the ambulance too. She had tears in her eyes when she saw Farkle. She hugged him but ended up with the same result as me.

"Riley what are you doing here? I thought you were dead."

"I am Maya, I'm here to help you."

"Help me with what! To just open my fucking eyes!"

"To believe you can, the only person who made you believe you can have hope was Lucas. Maya you need to believe right now that you can wake up. They need you Maya."

I closed my eyes, and opened them.


I closed them and opened them again. Nothing. I just couldn't take it anymore and screamed. I then started crying, now nothing made sense.
I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, I knew it was Riley. "Riles, what's happening?"

"Your in a coma peaches, you can live. But it's going to be hard, that's why I'm here."

I suddenly realized I haven't gave my best friend a hug. So I did, I hugged Riley happy that she was here with me even if it was temporary.

And that's when I knew in that moment, everything had changed. For the worse.

{ Lucas }

When Farkle had called the police, I didn't do anything but hold Maya's unmoving body in my arms. When the paramedics came, I guess I had a tiny hope her pulse was there but I couldn't notice.

Turns out there was a pulse.

But as I yelled for her to wake up, there was nothing. She was breathing, but her body wasn't simply waking up. I stared at Maya, feeing a cold drift on me, but I just ignored it.

I hated change. I hated it when Mr. Matthews gave the call to tell us about Riley. I hated it when they couldn't even find the one who shot Riley. And we still don't know, only Maya knows. I still couldn't believe she was alive still.

Change was coming, and it was heading for a bad turn.

{ Farkle }

There was nothing to say, Maya was almost dead. Keyword, almost. If I hadn't made that call who knows what would've happened. The person who did this to her did this to Riley. I gritted my teeth, I still cant believe someone would kill Riley. Riley was just a ray of sunshine, she lights up my whole world. I stared at Maya, she was now in coma. And the killer is probably making a plan to kill me and Lucas.

Right now, a change is happening. And I don't like it one bit.

{ Riley }

I looked at Farkle, to Maya, and finally to Lucas. I can't believe Zay still isn't jail like he should be. I watched the things he did to Maya, I wanted to shove the taser up his ass. I laid my head on Maya's shoulder, I missed this.

But I also knew, change was happening. And it was going to be a tough one,


A/N, And that's the end! Don't worry, sequel will be coming. I hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as I did. And yeah, Maya is in coma and she's alive, her mind is so its like If I Stay, (did not watch the movie, sorry). So yeah, more Riley in the sequel.

Hope you guys enjoyed this book, love ya!

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