t w e n t y - n i n e ; u n e d i t e d ; w a r n i n g

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{ Lucas }

If I had one wish randomly given to me it would be for everything to rewind.

I wanted everything to go back to when Riley was alive. If we had gotten there in time none of this would be happening. Maya has been gone for too long. It was Sunday and usually I would visit Maya or she would visit me. But I wake up every morning and she's not there. My parents were usually gone and my brothers didn't bother me.

I felt so empty without Maya. She never looked nice, she looked like art. Art wasn't supposed to look nice it was supposed to make you feel. I closed my eyes as one tear fell. Why did this have to happen to Maya?

"Lucas get up and stop being a depressed teenager. We're going on a mission."

I sat up and rubbed eyes. Farkle entered my room with a duffle bag. "What the hell are you doing Farkle?"

"What the hell I'm doing is that I'm not moping around and actually trying to find Maya."

I scoffed at that insult. "How would you know? I mean it's not like your girlfriend went missing."

"No, but Riley was someone I loved and she's dead. So, yes I do know how you feel." It was silent for a few minutes. I never knew that about Farkle. I always thought he loved both Maya and Riley equally.

"I'm sorry Farkle. But how are we going to find Maya? Her captors probably know we're trying to find her."

"Lucas, hear yourself. Are you really not going to have hope we won't find her? That you won't even have the slightest hope for Maya?"

I looked at Farkle and came to my senses. He was right. Farkle's always right. I let another tear fall down my face. How could I be so selfish?

"Where do we start?"

{ Maya }

I woke up and found darkness around me. I don't really remember a thing expect talking with Charlie and drinking that juice. I got up and instantly met with pain on my side. I winced and fell back down. It must be another day, another day without Lucas.

"Hey Maya, I just thought we should have a little fun."

The lights turned on and I squinted my eyes. I finally saw Zay holding a taser in his hand with a sick smile on his face. I widened my eyes at the sight. I shook my head. This can't be happening. I started to wobble on my feet. I didn't care if my legs would break off at the second. I never want to go through that again.

"Aww, Maya. Is a memory coming back to you."

I fell back as Zay pushed me with his leg. I let one tear slide down. I screamed as the taser met my side and I fell into darkness instantly.

{ Farkle }

I laid out the map in front of me and Lucas. I pointed to certain spot. "There, the same alleyway where Riley was. I researched it and there's a house behind it. A abandoned house. If you think about it if Maya's captors killed Riley where would they want to go."

Lucas looked like he was in thought until he nodded. "Does seem pretty smart."

I smiled, "Then what are we waiting for? We got a life to save."

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