[a proper thank you]

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There was once was a girl who wrote like her life depended on it. She came up with the idea to make a Wattpad account. She decided to publish her first story. Change, a Lucaya story. At first it was fun, but now it has 116k reads.

Gee, where do I start. Thank you all so fucking much. Like this book was just for fun. I did not expect all this. You guys did this, I just wrote. Thank you for taking the time to click on my story, to read it, to vote on it, to comment on it. Thank you.

You guys are the best. Thank you. Writing was a way to get away from my life. Whenever I had a bad day, I would just read your comment because they were so funny and supportive. They made my day.

Thank you. I was just a girl who didn't enjoy school, who barely had any friends. But now, I'm happier than I've ever been.

Thank you, I love you all!

CHANGE ➳ LUCAYA Where stories live. Discover now