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{ Maya }


I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't do anything. I was numb, and trust me, that is the worst feeling ever. Farkle had a little stubble, his eyes were sad and grey, his clothes were a bit dirty, most of all, he didn't remind me of the Farkle I used to know.

"Maya...I don't know what to say."

"Well I do. Where were you all this time!? Why did you leave without saying goodbye!? I needed my best friend there Farkle! But no, you just left! Your a coward!"

"I suffered too!

People were watching but I didn't care. I didn't care at all, after all I have nothing to loose. Farkle came closer, I backed away a bit.

"Your not the only one! I loved Riley! The only way I could get her out of my mind was to just leave!"

"And you thought it was easy!? I loved Riley but I didn't leave like a coward!"

"You think I'm the coward! How is Riley gonna think when you changed!"

That was all it took for my hand to slap him. I widened my eyes, this wasn't me. I surely wouldn't do this to Farkle. He had tears in his eyes, I turned away and ran. I ran with water coming down my cheeks. This isn't me. I stopped and went behind an alley. I sobbed. I banged my hands against the wall, my knuckles turning red. Why couldn't everything go back to normal?

All of us crashed our ships.
Yeah, that's a short chapter. I'll try to make the next one long. Once Upon A Time is on tonight! So excited for dark swan!

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