t h i r t y

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{ Lucas }

I drove down Greenwich Road, anxious to get to Maya. Farkle was next to me telling me the directions to the abandoned house. I cursed under my breath when I saw a red light. I sighed running my hand through my hair.

"Lucas we're gonna save her."

I nodded my head in agreement. I just wished we would get there faster.

"You know, a wise person once told me in order to take a life you have to save one first."

I looked at Farkle with disbelief. He did not just do that, "You did not just quote Teen Wolf to me."

"Riley used to watch it all the time. I watched it with her, it's actually a good show."

"You still watch it?"

"Riley loved the show, so yeah Lucas. I still watch it."

{ Maya }

I lay on the floor helpless and in pain. The memories came back when Zay pointed that stupid taser at me. When I was four or even five my dad once put a taser on me. It left me traumatized. That was the reason my mom decided to file a divorce. The worst part was my dad was a drunk back then. I just wished someone would come here. I hated being a damsel in distress.

I heard the door opened and waited for what was going to happen next, "Maya, it's Charlie. You have to get up right now."

I didn't listen to Cheese Soufflé, I just wanted to lie down and close my eyes. I wanted the pain to go away.

"Maya god damn it, don't die on me."

I suddenly heard a gunshot and knew what Charlie meant. Someone has a gun and is trying to hurt us. It then hit me to get up and hang on to life. I struggled and let out a strangled cry as the bones in my body were growing with pain every second. I knew I was better than this. So I got up, and stood with one leg. Charlie helped me with the other and I was actually standing.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked Charlie as he led me out of the room.

"Because this is what Riley would've wanted me to do."

{ Lucas }

"We're here!"

I stopped the car in front of a old raggedy building. I got out of the car when Farkle told me to stop. I looked at him quizzically. That's when I heard the gunshots and a scream.


I didn't take a second to run in there. I heard Farkle yelling my name to stop but I couldn't. Maya was in there. And I can't let her die, not like Riley did.

{ Maya }

I heard another gunshot and scream. I knew that scream.


"Charlie! It's Smackle, she could be hurt!" I tried to run but instantly fell down.

"Maya we don't have time!"

I still didn't listen and immediately went running even though every part of my body was telling me stop. I rounded a random corner and saw Missy pointing a gun at Smackle. Her leg was shot but I could tell she was trying to hang on to life.

"Missy stop! Just stop all of this!"

She looked at me with tears eyes, "I have to Maya!" I didn't get it, why did Missy have to kill Smackle? She suddenly pointed the gun at herself but mounting three words to me.

I love you.

"No, no, no, don't!"

It was too late. Missy was on the floor. There was physical pain and emotional pain in me. Charlie caught up with me and helped Smackle up. "Maya!"

I looked ahead of me and saw Lucas. "Lucas?"

I gasped as I felt pain on my right side. I looked over and saw Zay pointing a gun at me. There was no bullet in it because it already went through me.

A/N, Now don't hate me yet, I promise your favorite will be okay, maybe.

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