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{ Maya }

I sat on my bed, regret flowing through me. I shouldn't have tried to kiss Lucas. I shouldn't have. I just mess things up, I don't fix things. I'm just a broken piece of glass, and you can't put the pieces together. Life isn't fair, I learned that now. I looked around the room, looking for a certain blade. I spotted a photo frame,

A photo of me and Riley.

I walked towards it, picking it up. It was a picture of Riley and me, we were at the waterpark, it was in 6th grade. We were laughing, I was leaning on Riley for support. Riley had crinkles in her eyes from laughing. Our hair was wet and we looked like maniacs. But we didn't care, we were just happy.

A tear rolled down my cheek. I'm not happy anymore, I screamed and threw the photo on the ground. Tears were rushing down my cheeks like a waterfall. It's not the same. Riley isn't here, the Matthews don't care about me, everyone changed. I crouched down on the ground, picking up a shard of glass. I started to position the shard at my arm.

Tears stained the picture below me. I almost put the shard in my arm, but someone took it out my hand.

"Maya don't."



{ Riley }

No. Maya's better than this. She's strong, I know my best friend, and my best friend is not this girl in front of me. Maya started crying, that girl will cry herself to death. If only I hadn't walked alone that night. If only I had defended myself that night. If only I actually tried to fight for my life before the trigger let out a bang.

Maya took a shard of glass. No, no, if anything Maya would never do this. Maya is a strong girl. I looked up and closed my eyes, wishing to be there for Maya. I opened my eyes standing behind Maya. I grabbed the blade out of her hand, before she use it.

"Maya don't."


I ran in for a hug, hugging her tight. We were both crying, we both needed our best friend. I released from the hug, wiping my tear stained cheeks.

"I don't have much time Maya, but I'll tell you this. Never, and I mean never do that. The Maya I know would never even put a blade in her hand. Maya, all I want is for you to be happy. I want you to be happy with Lucas, I see the connection. I seen it all. Always remember I will be watching you guys up there. I love you peaches."

Tears cascaded down my cheeks.

"I love you too sunshine."

I hugged her one last time, tighter than the one before. I began to drift into midair. I sniffled and wiped my nose.

Last one on the list, Farkle.

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