t w e n t y - o n e

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{ Maya }

I entered the gym, only to see a sweaty Lucas practicing basketball, wearing his panther shirt. Right now I can say, damn, my boyfriend is hot. Lucas texted me saying he wanted to me watch him play basketball, I can see why.

"Ooh, you missed that one shot very badly."

I smiled as Lucas's ball went around the hoop, and then fell. He turned around, smirking at me, "Oh yeah, like you could do better."

I gave a mischievous smile, I used to play basketball, before I turned into a cheerleading slut. But now, it feels like I'm myself again, no makeup, no heels, and no short skirts. Just my, boots, leather jackets, and messy hair.

"I'll have you know that I played basketball with Shawn, and I won." I walked over to Lucas.

"Oh yeah, we'll see who has game." He tossed the basketball to me. I started to dribble it, going around Lucas, but he blocked me. I suddenly had an idea. I was pretty small, I crawled under Lucas legs and shot the basket.

"And Maya Hart wins the game. And the crowd goes wild!"

I laughed, "And Lucas Friar comes in, surprising her."

I felt myself being lifted up by Lucas, "Hukleberry let me down!"

Although I didn't want him too, he kept spinning me, we just kept on laughing.

"How could you!?"

Lucas let me down as I saw Farkle enter the gym. I furrowed my brows in confusion. I looked at Lucas, he looked at me, waiting for my reaction.

"After all this time! I thought you loved Riley!"

Farkle ran, and tackled Lucas to the ground. I was too shocked to move. This was Farkle and Lucas. They were best buds since middle school. I just didn't know what to do.

"What the hell Farkle!? What do you mean!?"

He pushed Farkle off of him, standing up. Farkle stood up too, his nostrils flaring, "Oh, I'm sorry, do you want to tell Maya or do I?"

I looked at Lucas, what was he not telling me, "Tell me what? Lucas, what are you hiding?"

"I don't know!? I'm not hiding anything!"

Farkle glared at Lucas, "Lucas killed Riley."

And that's when my whole world went crashing.

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