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{ Maya }

The bell rang, meaning it was the end of the day. Thank god, that's when I don't have to put my mask on. I made sure to wait outside of the classroom, waiting for my 'friends', to come.

"Bye Maya."

A chorus of byes were made out to me, as I giggled back and said bye back. I let out a breath and put my mask away. I instead frowned and walked to the music room. I always came here after last period, I knew how much Riley loved to sing. We had this dream when we were in 7th grade. We would both be singers, touring the world, performing for One Direction and Fall Out Boy, and we would do it together.

I let a single tear roll down my cheek. To be honest, it hurts, deep down it does. It hurts to know your best friend is dead, your other half is gone, everything. When I needed light to cover up my darkness, I always went to Riley. I walked around the music room, touching the instruments.

Riley wanted me to be happy, I can't even make myself happy.

"Funny seeing you here."

I turned around to see Lucas there, his eyes cold to see me.

"Well, I did have an interest in music."

"Was that before you decided to be popular and be a slut."

I was shocked at Lucas's words. Lucas was nice, trust me he is, but to me he's a cold monster.

"Then deal with it."

I hissed at him before walking straight to the door. Right when my hand was on the knob, Lucas called out.

"Riley wouldn't want this."

I turned around, setting daggers in his direction. I walked toward him, anger building me up.

"Oh yeah, then what does Riley want? You think I wanted to be this person. You think I was ready for Riley to die. You think I was ready to be alone. I damn know right what Riley wanted me to be, she wanted me to have hope, she wanted me to have light in my dark world, she wanted me to be happy. Guess what Friar, I couldn't give it to her. Now I will never know how to be all those things because she's dead!"

I screamed the last part out. Tears were running down my cheeks, staining my mascara. Lucas stood there with no emotion on his face. I realized how close we were, nose to nose. Next thing I knew we started to lean in.


I immediately pulled away when that thought came up in my mind. No, Riley got a crush on Lucas first. I don't want to be more broken than I already am.

"Fuck you Friar."

With that, I spun around, out through the door.

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