t w e n t y - t w o

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{ Maya }


I stepped back from Lucas and Farkle, I stepped back from everything. This can't be happening, I didn't want to find out this way.

"Maya, I swear I didn't do it! Why would I kill Riley after going on all those dates with her, being her first kiss!?"

"Maybe because you knew you were siblings!"

I looked at Farkle bewildered, he knew too. So many emotions ran through me, the only thought to came to my mind was something I was very good at.


And I did, I pushed opened the doors and ran away from my problems. I didn't want to deal with this, Riley, the killer, everything. I just want my mind to shut off.

I just want everything to disappear.

{ Lucas }

The first thing I did when Maya ran away was look at Farkle. I was enraged, I pinned him against the wall. My nostrils were flaring like a bull, my veins were ready to pop out.

"Why the fuck would you say that!? I would never kill Riley and you know that!"

Farkle pushed me off, throwing a punch in my way, "Oh really!? Then explain this!?"

He tossed me a paper, right on it had my name, and it said I sent that text to Maya.

"Take a look at my phone."

I tossed him my phone, tending to my jaw. For a genius like Farkle he sure can hit. Soon, realization hit his face, "I'm sorry Lucas."

I scoffed, "Say that to my jaw. Right now we have to find Maya. This killer is trying to tear us apart."

Farkle's face then flooded with worry, "I think I know where Maya may be."

{ Maya }
I felt pure bliss as I inhaled the puffs of smoke, next to me were some other kids who were broken like me. I had traveled down to the dangerous part in Brooklyn. I started to smoke in the beginning of eight grade, but soon Riley found out and snapped me out of it. But without Riley, I can't fold my hands back when needed to. Without me, Riley may never have unfolded her hands.

But now, I needed this more than anything. I need to shut everything off. I took my third cigarette, my mind already becoming dizzy. This killer obviously wants to see my suffer, than suffering it is. I let out a few giggles, walking into the center of the road. My mind was already forming disoriented colors, I waved my hands wildly.

"Hey killer, come out wherever you are! You wanted to see me fucking die, here it is! I'll even put on a show!"

I honestly must've been out of my mind, but I didn't stop. The streets were eerie silent, I kept dancing on the street. I wished to wake up with amnesia and just forget about everything. The only way to do that, was to do this. I saw headlights of a car, and breathed a sigh of relief. I closed my eyes, feeling peace at last.

"Maya! What are you doing!?"

Before you know I felt a hand on my waist, pulling me back into the sidewalk. I groaned, soon finding out it was Lucas. I let out a shrill, "What are you doing here you grasshole!? You mother fucking dick head killed Riley!"

I attempted to walk away, but Lucas stopped me from doing so. I saw black dots in my vision, "Maya, your high."

I let out a cackle, "Of course Mr. Captain of a dipshit obvious."

I felt only Lucas pull me closer to him, which only made the pain worse. Black dots fully formed my vision, I felt Lucas lips on my neck send warmth through my skin. No, I need to get away. But I could only fall limp, while I felt Lucas gently carry me.

The only thought that ran through my head was for this mess to be all over.

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