t w e n t y - f o u r

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{ Lucas }

"Wake up!"

I felt myself being hit over and over again. I opened my eyes to see Farkle hitting me with a pillow. I had a weird dream last night, that me and Maya broke, Farkle accused me of killing Riley, and I had to save Maya because she was getting high. I looked around me, soon coming to the realization.

It was all real.

I then groaned, fed up with myself. I can't believe last night was real, I wish it never happened. Why did I ever have to let the person who I actually liked go?

I know, because I'm a white lying fuckboy.

I'm pretty sure Maya is saying that about me, who knows. All I want is her back in my arms.

{ Smackle }

"Why are we hiding in the bushes, and stalking Lucas Friar's home. I'm quite uncomfortable with this."

"Can it, your lucky I even recruited you on this plan."

Our plan was going well, soon, these three will turn against each other. Giving us time to kill them off, I really don't want to kill Farkle, but it's the bosses orders. Apparently he really hates Farkle for some unknown reason.

"Look, Smackle, I'm pretty sure I don't want to be stalking the boy who I had lost Riley to. Mr. Perfect. Oh, how I hate-"

"Relax Gardner, the sooner they grow apart, the sooner they'll be gone."

Charlie smirked next to me, nodding his head. I sighed, why do I have to fix every stupid thought in his head.

{ Maya }

"That white lying fuckboy!"

I yelled out, as I threw my pillow particularly no where. I wasn't mad at Lucas, but at the same time I dumped him. But still, he chose to be right instead of love over our relationship. Who could possibly forgive that? And besides, he knew I-.

Oh great, now I'm gonna sound like an over possessive ex-girlfriend. I sighed and laid back down on my bed. Why did the world have to be so hard? Riley would know what to do in these situations. After all she was the fixer of the group.

But then I shot back up again. Riley! We still have to find out who the killer is. I know now Lucas isn't, but it still doesn't change the choices he made. I again sighed, laying back down on my bed.

I wished Mr. Matthews would still give us lessons related to our lives. It would help me a lot in this situation.

That's it! I'll talk to Mr. Matthews, but then I wondered, am I still even welcomed in their home.

Ahh, who am I kidding, I'm Maya, I'm always welcomed


I patiently waited outside Mr and Mrs. Matthews door step. My foot tapping nervously on the floor.

"Hi, are you here for- oh, hi Maya."

I looked down to see Auggie, someone I haven't seen in a long time. I sometimes wondered how Auggie felt in this situation. I mean, he's seven years old, and he lost his sister. He probably wonders why I don't come through the bay window. Oh, the bay window, how much I missed that place.

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