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{ Maya }

I hurried to school the next day, I needed to show Lucas and Farkle the text. No, this isn't some pretty little liars shit, I'm not just gonna wait for the random person to come at me. I know Farkle can track down who texted me this, he's Farkle.

"Maya! Hey!"

I turned around to see Missy coming, I groaned slightly. I forgot that I'm still a cheerleader, holy shit. I missed one week of practice. The angry look on Missy's face can tell me that I'm going to hell.

"Where have you been!? You missed one week of practice! You don't even sit with us when we see you in the lunchroom! You never go to parties anymore! Please don't tell me your turning into that freak Riley-"

Oh no she didn't.

I slapped that bitch, no one, and I mean no one ever calls Riley a freak. I will always defend Riley, always.

"Listen up Bitchford, you say that about Riley again, then it won't be a slap next time. And second of all, I am done with all your popular crap. I quit."

Everyone was watching, I'm pretty sure they saw the slap. Missy looked even angrier than before, oh no. She came running at me, screaming like a hyena. I was the prey, and I was about to get crushed. I didn't do anything but move, she fell face first on the ground. I felt two arms pull me away.

When I got out of the crowd, I looked up to see Farkle and Lucas, "What the hell, I wanted to see that."

"You can't just slap Missy like that."

I looked at Farkle, eyeing him. Does he even know what Missy said.

"She said Riley was a freak, and why are you calling me out. Remember that time at the Semi - Formal when Charlie kept coming on to Riley, you knocked him out."

Farkle blushed, he was in love still. I suddenly remembered what I came here for, I got out my phone.

"Look, Lucas, Farkle, someone texted me."

Lucas grabbed the phone, he suddenly tuned angry, "Who would send this."

"I don't know but it'll be okay, as long-"

"No! It won't be okay!"

"Lucas it will, Farkle can track that person down."

"And then what, we just wait for this killer to come after you next! I already lost Riley! I can't lose you!"

Lucas walked away, I just stood there, did Lucas really feel this way.

"I'll go track this down, I'll leave you alone."

I nodded, being alone is exactly what I need. Lucas is right, Riley's gone, who could be next. It might be me, but after I'm gone will this killer track down Lucas and Farkle. It was like when Riley was being cyber bullied, but this time she covered up her feelings good. I never noticed Riley was being tracked down, she would always smile and talk about rainbows and stuff. I still can't get the thought of someone hating Riley so much they would kill her.

Whoever this killer is, they're going to hell, one way or another.

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