Chapter 1

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Leo's POV

It's been a while since our last encounter with Shredder. Last time crazy things happened. Raph was taken by Shredder, Master Splinter got chained up, Donnie was unconscious, Mikey got cut. Things like that happened.

Ever since we haven't been going to the surface that often. I'm not sure if it's because we're scared to, or because we just don't want to.

I was practicing in the dojo. I'm determine to get stronger and become a better fighter. I don't want anything like that to happen again.

After I finished training, I decided to go watch some tv. Space heroes my favourite show was on. I know I've already seen all if the episodes, but I still like to watch it.

"You know space heroes is stupid, right?" Raph asked me.

I clenched my fist. He says that every time I watch it, and it still seems to bug me.

"I don't know what you have against Space Heroes..." I started but was interrupted by Raph.

"I have nothing against it, but it's stupid," he replied.

I decided not to say anything back to him. Mainly because I couldn't think of a good comeback, but also because I didn't want to get in another fight with him.

After I said nothing to him, he decided to leave. As I was halfway done my episode, Mikey came in to bug me.

"What's up Leo?" Mikey asked as if he couldn't see that I was watching Space Heroes.

"Shhh," I replied.

"You're no fun," Mikey said.

"I am fun it's just I'm watching TV!" I explained.

"Sorry," he said in a not so sorry voice and left.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish watching this before someone else interrupts me.

Raph's POV

Since Leo was watching that show again, and Donnie was working on some project in the garage, I decided to go hangout in the kitchen.

It wasn't too long until Mikey decided to join me.

"What's up?" I asked him as he took a seat next to mine.

"Nothing much since Donnie kicked me out of the garage and Leo's being boring again." Mikey said.

The same thing basically happened to me too!

"Why don't we do something fun," I suggested.

"Yeah, lets do something," Mikey agreed.

"How about we go to the surface and find something to do," I offered.

Mikey thought for a minute.

"Shouldn't we wait for the others to go topside?"

"Why should we?" I asked. "They always do what they want, how about we do what we want now!"

"Sounds reasonable," Mikey said. "Let's go!"

I grabbed my sais and a couple of smoke bombs. Mikey got his nunchucks and ninja stars.

I let sensei know we were going before we left, and he was fine with it.

"Just be careful," Splinter warned.

"Hai sensei," Mikey and I said at nearly the same time.

"Then you two may go," he said.

With that, we were off.

We walked though the sewers until we found the closest manhole cover. It led us to an alleyway. We decided to go to the rooftops.

Once we arrived to the roof tops, Mikey asked "So, what now?"

I was going to answer him, until I realized that I wasn't sure either.

"I'm not sure, what do you think?" I asked.

It only took him a few seconds to come up with an idea.

"Antonio's?" Mikey suggested.

"Why not," I replied.

Mikey was the one who phoned them.

"Hello can I get four pepperoni pizzas delivered to the phone booth at 15th street."

"Yeah, okay," Mikey said agreeing to whatever he was saying, and finally hung up.

"Did you say to 15th street?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" Mikey responded sounding confused.

"We normally go with 5th street. 15th street is pretty far away," I told him.

"Oops," he said followed by an innocent smile.

"C'mon," I said. "If we wanna get there before the pizza man does, we better leave now."

Mikey nodded his head in agreement. Hopefully we can make it there in time.


Hey guys, I hope that you enjoyed the first chapter. If not, I'll assure you that they will get better throughout the book.

Anyways I know that I finished my first book a long time ago, and I just wanna say sorry that it took me so long to start this book. It's just if I were to start this one a while ago, I'd be writing three books at a time. So now that I finished one of them, I decided to start this one.

Be free to tell me what you thought of this chapter. I'll try to update soon, so until then, bye!


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