Chapter 13

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Donnie's POV

Everything was going perfectly. Well almost everything. Bebop was chasing me, but not no more. I was with Leo, but not no more either.

I guess not everything is going as planed, but it's not going horribly...right? I mean a lot more could be going wrong.

I wasn't quite sure what to do. We didn't exactly have time to discus what to do if we got split up. I guess we didn't think we would get separated.

It was down to two options. Either look for the computer alone, or find Leo. I could text him, but the problem with texting is who knows when he'll pick up. Although he may not answer right away, I guess that was my best option.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I checked my surroundings to make sure no one was around before texting him. Quickly I went on my phone and asked him where he was and told him to go to the main room if he could.

I was staring down at my phone. All I hope is that he answers quickly.

"What are you doing?"

"Just waiting for Leo to..." I started to say then looked up. I didn't even realize who it was at first.

My first reaction was to but away my phone and take out my Bo staff. "Bebop," I hissed.

"I can't believe you fell for that!" he replied and started to laugh.

I grew angry as he continue to laugh. To make him stop, I hit him with my staff.

"So you wanna fight hey?"

It's not that I exactly wanted to fight, but I knew we were going to no matter what. I know their tricks by now.

As I ran up to him about to hit him with my staff he kicked me. I fell to the ground but quickly got up.

I ran at him again, but he grabbed the end of my Bo staff and flipped me over.

"Didn't you use to be good at fighting?" Bebop teased.

His comment only got me more worked up. I put my staff away since I was having no luck with it and kicked at him.

I got him right in the face. He fell to the ground, and without realizing it, I kicked his glasses off.

"Not cool dude, where are my glasses!"

As he panicked about finding his glasses, it was my big chance. I ran away while I could.

I normally don't like to leave in the middle of a fight, but I had bigger problems to worry about than him. Like the people trying to get to our lair.

I ran quite a distance from him. I forgot that I had texted Leo. I went on my phone and looked to see if he'd replied. As a matter of a fact he did. He said he'd be there as fast as he could.

Since he had texted me twenty minutes ago saying that, I amused that he's already there. I quickly put my phone back and ran to the main room.

Once I had arrived I was shocked to see what had happened. This wasn't good. Now the plan will be delayed. And that wasn't even the worst part.

Raph's POV

It wasn't too long ago that Mikey had signalled me saying that he was either in trouble, or he had found them. Something like that. All I had to do was find him.

I quietly creeped around the sewers looking for him. The first place I checked was his starting place. Once I realized that he wasn't there, I quickly moved on.

I kept on turning corners, without a clue of where he would be. I didn't exactly have a plan but to look for him. Left and right I turned continually.

After a while I realized that this was hopeless. I needed a better plan. Or at least that was what I thought. Suddenly I started to hear footsteps.

I knew I was close or at least getting close to them. I had to follow the sound of the footsteps then hope to find them. This was my only plan, so lets hope it works.

I listened to the footsteps. They were coming from in front of me. I walked straight until it divided into to ways. Left, or right.

I was having troubles figuring out which way they were coming from. I was loosing them. Without an actual reason I went right.

Once I had made that turn I heard footsteps again. That meant I had chosen the right way.

As I walked the footsteps grew louder. I knew I was almost there. Since I knew I was getting close, I started to run to catch up.

Within less then five minutes I was all caught up to them. I saw Mikey running away from Tiger Claw, Fishface and Rahzar. I decide to join Mikey and run with him.

"What's going on?" I asked Mikey confused with the situation.

"We're buying Donnie and Leo time," he explained with a quiet voice so that they couldn't here him.

"Okay," I answered. This made more sense to me. I didn't know where we were going and for how much longer, but I ran.

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