Chapter 14

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Leo's POV

(A little bit earlier)

Donnie had just texted me wanting to meet up again since we had been separated. The two of us decided to go meet in the main room.

I quickly made my way down the hallways. I was silent so no one would be able to hear me. If anyone were to come, I'd run into the nearest room.

I made it into the room and looked for Donnie. I guess he was still making his way down here because I couldn't find him. As I waited, I didn't even realize that I was standing out in the open. I soon realized it was a big mistake.

"Well look who we've got here, the runaway turtle," Rocksteady teased me.

"I'm only a runaway turtle because you couldn't catch up to me," I snapped.

I was getting ready to fight, one hand about to pull out my katana until I heard someone yell out something.

"Don't move turtle!" Bebop called out.

I was confused for a few instants. What was he talking about and where is he. I took my hand off my katana and turned my head to the right. There we was with a blow gun.

"One blow, and you're knocked out." Bebop explained a if I didn't already know what it does.

"Surrender now!" Rocksteady demanded.

Was I going to surrender? Of course not. I bet Bebop doesn't even know how to use that thing. Plus surrendering would only delay the plan.

I rolled on the ground, stood up and grabbed my katanas. I was charging at Rocksteady. Bebop aimed, shot and missed.

Rocksteady swung his hammer at me but I ducked and he missed.

While Bebop reloaded I threw four ninja stars at Rocksteady. Rocksteady reacted quickly and got out of the way. Instead of them hitting him, they hit they hit the wall.

Once again he swung his hammer at me. This time I jumped on it, and kicked him in the face. He grabbed his face for a short time, then ran at me again.

While this was happening, I had completely forgotten about Bebop. While I had just finished an attack on Rocksteady, I was standing still waiting for him to make a move. Right there and then Bebop shot the blow gun and hit me in the neck, his target.

I took the dart out if my neck. I began to get dizzy, very dizzy. Next thing I know I hit the ground and that was the last thing I remembered.

When I finally woke up, I felt terrible. My head hurt and was still feeling dizzy, but not nearly as bad as it was before.

This was the least of my problems. I was tied up in chains to a chair. I looked up evilly at Rocksteady and Bebop. The two of them just smiled at me.

I fiddled with the chains, hoping I could get them loose but was unable to. I'm surprised these two actually did a good job tying me up.

"You should've surrendered when you had the chance," Rocksteady said finally breaking the silence.

"Surrendering isn't an option for me," I say.

They ignore my comment. Instead Bebop starts talking about something else.

"You see turtle, you're bait. Once the other one comes looking for you, I'll capture him the same way I captured you," he explained.

I wish I had some way to warn him. I still have my phone but my hands are tied up. I guess I'll just have to break free.

As they waited for Donnie, I tried to get one if my ninja stars out. I'm sure that would cut threw the chain. Fortunately they weren't smart enough to take them away from me. The only thing they did take were my katanas that are laying on the floor.

I managed to get one out, and immediately started cutting the chain. I just had to make sure that the two of them didn't notice.

While I was working on that, the perfect distraction came in, Donnie! Now they would be too focused on Donnie to notice me cutting the chains.

I could tell Donnie was shocked of what he was seeing. Last time I wasn't the one locked up.

"Let him go!" Donnie demanded.

Both Bebop and Rocksteady started to laugh. Did he really think that they would listen to him? Why would they? They finally have me tied up!

"Donnie, run. I've got this under control," I told Donnie. The chain was almost cut!

"I'm not leaving," he started.

I sighed. I guess I have to explain this to him.

"Do the plan without me. I'll catch up to you."

I guess he realized that didn't really have a choice. He could save me, but then they would probably find the lair by the time this was finished.

"If you aren't already out, I'll come back for you," Donnie said.

I nodded. With that he was gone. I sat there struggling to cut through the chain. While I was almost done, the ninja star slipped out of my hand and onto the floor. Oh no, this can't be good.

"What was that?" Bebop asked not knowing where the sound of the ninja star hitting the ground came from.

"I'm not sure," Rocksteady said confused.

While they were trying to figure out what it was, I tried to get another ninja star out.

"What's that?" Bebop asked.

He was looking straight at it. I was doomed. He walked towards it and kneeled down to pick it up.

At this time I had another one out, and started cutting chain.

"I guess this just slipped out of your pocket," Bebop said observing the ninja star.

"Yeah I guess," I said relived that they didn't figure out what was going on.

I continued cutting the chain, until it finally cut through. Although I could get out at any second now, I decided to wait until they weren't looking so that I could escape without a fight.

"I can't wait to find out what we're going to do with you when this is finished," Rocksteady said.

"That's if I don't escape," I told him.

He laughed. "Good luck with that."

I chuckled. If only they knew that I can escape anytime now. Then they wouldn't be laughing.

"Bebop!" Rocksteady called.

Bebop turned over to face Rocksteady. They were about to start talking. Now was my chance. I untangled my hands, then my feet but quietly and quickly. By the time that they had notice that I'd escaped, I was half way across the room. I grabbed my katanas that laid on the floor and ran.

"Get him!" Bebop ordered.

The two of them stopped their conversation and ran after me. I didn't have any plans. All I knew was that I had to run and hopefully eventually find Donnie.

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