Chapter 4

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Donnie's POV

We sat there on the roof, and waited for Raph to catch up with us. Leo wouldn't let us have any pizza either, because he knew we'd eat it all without him.

"Where is he?" Mikey asked sounding impatient.

"He's coming," I said hoping that he was.

While we were waiting, once Leo looked away, Mikey grabbed a piece of pizza. As soon as Leo realized it, it was too late. Mikey had already shoved the pizza in his mouth.

"Mikey!" Leo exclaimed.

"Sorry I couldn't help it!"

After that Leo held the boxes of pizza to make sure Mikey wouldn't take anymore.

"Leo, it's been twenty minutes, where us he?" I asked.

"How am I supposed to know where he is?" Leo snapped at me.

I didn't say anything back. I decided that it's probably best not to.

After another five minutes, he finally showed up. He ran across the rooftops until he reached the building we were on. The minute Raph came, Leo started questioning him.

"Where were you?" Leo asked.

"I kinda got lost," Raph answered.

"Couldn't you have phone us instead of making us wait forever?" Leo asked sounding frustrated.

"Well why didn't you guys come get me instead of you making me come here?" Raph asked Leo.

You could tell by Raph was getting mad at Leo by the look of his face.

"Whatever Raph, lets just go," Leo suggested.

"How about you stay for a little longer."

For a second I thought Mikey said that, until I turned around. I wasn't to pleased when I did turn around.

"Shredder," Leo said with hatred in his voice.

"It's been a while since I've destroyed you four," Shredder said back.

I grabbed my staff, but didn't take it out. There was a chance, very low chance, but a chance that he wasn't going to attack.

We haven't fought him for a long time. The last time we did, things didn't go to great. Hopefully I won't get knocked out this time.

"What do you want Shredder?" Leo asked.

"I thought I'd stop by, to finish you four like I should've last time," Shredder said, making the first move.

He ran up to Leo and swung his blade at him. Leo quickly took out his katanas and blocked Shredders move.

I ran up to Shredder, and swung my bo staff at him. Shredder moved out of the way, causing me to hit the ground.

Next it was Mikeys turn. He ran up to Shredder, and swung both nunchucks at him. Shredder grabbed both of them, and flipped Mikey to the ground.

Raph was the last to attack. He charged at Shredder with his said out, but before he even made a move, Shredder kicked him. Raph flew across the building, and nearly fell off.

I looked back at him, but he wasn't getting back up.

I decided to attack Shredder. I ran up to him, and tried to hit him again with my staff. Shredder blocked it, and went to punch me. He missed the back of my head by a few inches.

I felt a weird tickling feeling down my back. I decided to ignore it, and continue to fight.

The fight continued, and it felt like it was taking forever. Raph got back up, and joined the fight.

Once we realized that we could be here for a longtime, Leo said "Mikey, smoke bomb!"

Mikey got the signal, took out a smoke bomb, and threw it to the ground. We all quickly ran to get out of there.

It wasn't too long until we got to the sewers. We all walked pretty silently to the lair. I'm not exactly sure why, but we were all silent.

We knew we didn't win the fight, nor did we lose it. Raph had a bump on his head from when he was thrown to the ground, but other then that we were fine.

Once we got back to the lair, we all sat down to relax. Mikey was finally allowed to eat his pizza. We all were relaxing now, because we knew soon enough Splinter would ask us what happened.

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