Chapter 23

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Leo's POV

Right away Splinter went to fight Shredder. I started off by taking down some foot soldiers.

They would try to attack me, but they are just too weak. I took down four at once! When we started off, there were about one hundred of them. Now ten minutes into the fight, I've taken down half of them!

One approached me. It swung its swords at me. I blocked it, kicked it, then stabbed it.

The next one tried to punch me. Before the fist could reach me, I grabbed it, and swung him around the room. I swung the foot soldier around to take out other foot soldiers! I was hitting two birds with one stone!

I kept on doing the same routine after a while. They were just too easy to take down! I used to have a lot of problems fighting them a while ago, now I am able to take them down within seconds!

Eventually it came down to a point where there was only ten left! They circled me. I didn't move. I was letting them have the first move.

One ran up to me, and I stabbed it. Nine left. The next one tried to kick me. I dodged it and punched it down, eight left. The eighth one swung their sword at me. I blocked it then punched it. It was still standing so I sliced it in two, seven left.

Two of them tried to attack me at once. They came from both ends of me. I kicked my left leg taking down one, then my right leg kicking down the other one. Five left.

As the fifth one ran towards me, I threw two ninja stars at it. I threw two just in case one missed. Both of them hit him and he was down. Four left.

One of the foot ninjas ran at me with his sword out. I only had one of mine out and held it in front of me, waiting for the attack. Instead of striking where I expected it to, he went for my legs! I reacted quickly and jumped over it! I picked him up and threw him at another foot ninja, however the two of them were fine!

One came up to me I threw a smoke bomb to the ground and snook up behind it. It didn't know where it was so I stabbed it in the stomach. Three left.

The one that almost sliced my legs off ran over to me again. While I blocked his attack, I kicked him down. Before I could finish him off, anther one came up from behind me and jumped on my back!

I was surprised. This was the last thing that I was expecting! I had to leave the one who almost cut my feet off so that I could get this one off of my back!

I quickly fell onto my back. My weight made him let go. He wasn't dead year so I stabbed him. Two left.

One I never fought ran up to me. He went to punch me, so I tried to catch his fist like I did to the other ones. This time, I missed his fist and he punched me in the face! I grabbed my face in pain. Man these guys can punch hard!

I had to let go of my face so the I could continue to fight. I kicked him and he flew to the ground. I ran up to him, but before I got there, he got back up! He kicked at me, but I did a backflip to avoid it.

I took out my other katana since this was taking way longer than it should. I swung one of them at his face, and the other at his legs. The foot soldier got out of the way causing me to miss! I threw a ninja star at him but he blocked it with his sword! What is up with him? Why is he so good?

He came up to me and swung his blade at me. I blocked it with one, and sliced off one of his legs with the other one. He fell to the ground.

Just as I was about to go to the last one, the one legged one got up, and started jumping on one leg! You have got to be kidding me!

Before it could reach me, I threw one of my katanas at it. The katana went through his stomach and pinned him against the wall. Finally, one left!

I didn't bother to get my other katana at the moment. Right now I wanted to get rid of the one who almost sliced my feet!

I gripped my katana tightly with both hands. I waited for him to strike. After a moment, he finally did!

He ran up to me swinging his sword at me. I blocked it and tried to kick at him. He dodged it by rolling out of the way.

At this moment I knew that this robot would be another tough match. I wanted to take him out fair and square.

He got up and threw a punch at me. I grabbed him by the wrist and threw him to the ground. He got up and adjusted his head.

The foot soldier ran up to me trying to stab me. I managed to get a hold of one of his arms! I tried to throw him, but he didn't loose balance. As he ran back towards me, I sliced him right in two. None left.

Since all of them were gone, that means that I was going to have to fight the foot now! I went back and grabbed my left katana that was holding the robot against the wall.

I took a few deep breaths and went over to the other mutants who I'd have to fight. This was going to be hard to fight them, but I'd just have to find a way to do it!

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