Chapter 15

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Mikey's POV

Raph and I were currently running, getting the foot clan to follow us, but hopefully not catch us. We were doing this so that Leo and Donnie would have more time to break the computer.

I was the one leading where we went. If I'm being honest here, I know the sewers more than Raph does. I could tell you how to get to at least 25 different manhole covers from our sewers by heart!

"Right!" I called but actually making a left turn. I grabbed Raph's arm and pulled him the right way so that he wouldn't turn right.

The reason I did this was because they were catching up to us. If I did this, hopefully the foot will fall for it. It would take them a couple seconds to figure out that we actually turned left, and they'd be farther behind.

Luckily they did turn right, then looked back and saw us going the other way. Tiger Claw said something to Fishface. Before we knew it they turned left.

"We need a bigger distraction then that!" Raph explained realizing they were catching up to us again!

"We don't have anytime to set up a plan!" I said since we are on the run.

Raph sighed realizing I was always. "Then we can run until we get completely tired out, or we could fight them."

I thought for a moment. My original plan was to keep them running, but after nearly an hour of running you do get tired! I was expecting the other two t be done by now.

"I guess we fight then," I said.

Raph agreed to do it. I just wanted to lead them to a better spot to fight. Somewhere that wasn't as small as this place.

"Follow me for a bit longer," I explained.

I ran to a spot of the sewers that my brothers have probably never seen before. It's an area where I like to go when I want some alone time out of the lair. It's a nice large area with really nothing special about it. I hung up a hammock there, and there is a stone fireplace near one of the walls. Also in that space are some empty boxes and stuff. That's pretty much all that's in there.

"What is this place?" Raph asked curiously as we entered that area of the sewer.

"It's my man cave," I explained.

Raph didn't have more time to question me about it. If he wants to know more, he'll have to ask me later.

The others followed us in. They had seen that we stopped and our weapons are in our hands.

"What's wrong turtles, to tiered to run?" Fishface teased us.

"Actually no. I was just getting tiered of waiting for you to catch up to us," Raph snapped.

Nice one Raph! I wanted to tell him that, but I figured it's not the best time to say anything.

They were staring at us, and apparently we were supposed to stare at them back. Well Raph was anyways.

"Foot, attack!" Tiger Claw demanded.

Rahzar went to attack me, like always while Fishface went to get Raph. Tiger Claw just kinda stood there. He was either waiting for us to be done with them, or he was trying to catch his breath.

Rahzar kicked at me. I ducked and got back up quickly. I did a few tricks with my nun chucks then when he was least expecting it, I swung them and hit him in the face.

He grabbed his face in pain. When the pain died down after a few seconds, he let go and swung his claws at me. To avoid the claws, I jumped over them.

Rahzar and I continued to fight. He's only a little challenging to me now, but since we are trying to hold them back from finding the lair, I decided to go easy so it takes us longer to fight.

I was so busy with Rahzar that I didn't even realize that Raph was not only fighting Fishface, but also Tiger Claw now! Tiger claw is hard to beat, but making it two against one is even harder!

I kicked Rahzar in the stomach and he went flying. He slid across the room until he was stopped by a wall.

"Tiger Claw, take Michelangelo!" Rahzar said sitting there. By the looks of it, he wasn't getting up soon.

Tiger Claw ran up to me. I will admit it, I was nervous to fight him alone.

He swung his claws at me nonstop! I walked back to avoid them, soon I realized that I was corned! I kicked at his knees, and luckily he fell.

I got out of the corner and ran towards the centre or the room. This time Tiger Claw took out his guns, and started to shoot them at me. I freaked out as I realized that I almost got hit by the freeze gun.

When he shot, I either jumped over them or got out if the way. I could tell he was getting impatient with me, because he put away his guns and took out his sword.

I'm not sure what kind of sword it it, but it looks a lot thinker than Leo's katanas.

He swung the sword at me. It hardly missed my face! He continued to swing it at me into I realized that I was cornered again!

Before I had the chance to go for his legs again, he held the sword under my throat.

"No sudden moves!" Tiger Claw yelled at me, making my spine shiver.

I didn't make any sudden moves, but Raph did. He threw his sai at the sword. It took the sword out of his hand and pinned it against the wall.

"Lets get out of here!" Raph instructed.

He was thinking the exact thing as I was. Raph had no time to get his one sai back. I'm not sure, but I don't think Tiger Claw took his sword back either.

As soon as we ran, Tiger Claw followed us. Before we left Tiger Claw gave special orders to Fishface and Rahzar.

"Find the turtles lair, I've got these two."

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