Chapter 9

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Leo's POV

Donnie and I were off to Shredders lair. We decided to get there in the Shellraiser. I drove, while Donnie just kinda did what he always did. We planned to park the Shellraiser farther away from the building so that Shredder won't see us coming.

While I was driving, Donnie told me to turn for a shortcut. I've never gone this way, but I trust Donnie.

"Now right!" he instructed.

I turned my wheel almost missing the turn. The Shellraiser almost hit the curve but didn't quite.

"Park it here." Donnie said pointing out of the window to this side street. "I know how to get to the lair from here."

I was a little confused on how he knew this neighbourhood so well, but I didn't question him about it. Sometimes it's best not to know.

I grabbed my katanas, smoke bombs, ninja stars, and everything else I needed. I turned to Donnie t see what he was doing. He also was gathering everything he needed.

Before we left, I decided I wanted to make a quick plan.

"Okay, so this is what I'm thinking. I say we go together and try to find the room with the computer. You'll destroy it, or whatever then we leave."

"We'll find the computer faster if we split up," Donnie said.

I thought for a moment. Should we split up? Would it be a good idea?

"We can't split up," I told him. "Yeah we might find the computer faster, but then we have a better chance of someone having to fight Shredder or someone.

"Okay, I trust you," he said followed by a smirk.

"If you need help, text me Ill have my phone with me. Just don't phone me, it'll make too much noise."

"And if you need help, text me," Donnie told me. Either he was being serious, or he was joking. I couldn't tell this time.

The two of us got out of the Shellraiser. It was time to find the lair. Donnie claims he know where it is, but who knows if he's telling the truth or not.

I followed him as he made a left turn, then a right, and another right. Surprisingly it actually did take us to the building.

"I guess we go in now," I said looking straight ahead of us at the tall building.

"I guess we do," Donnie replied also looking at the building.

None of us really wanted to go inside. Shredder is really powerful. Besides today the last time we saw him wasn't the best experience. Donnie was knocked out, Splinter got captured and a lot more happened.

As much as we didn't want to go in, we both agreed to do it. We had no other choice but to go in. If we mess this up, we'll have no lair, and then we'd be really screwed.

Raph's POV

Mikey and I were just in the lair getting a few things that we might need incase Shredder does come.

We took our weapons, smoke bombs, ninja stars and more. We had to be more then prepared for anything.

Mikey and I decided that it'd be best if we split up. We weren't going to be too far away from each other incase something does happen.

If one of us runs into trouble, we have a few ways of contacting each other.

The first opinion that probably isn't the best is to phone each other. This is our last resort since it takes a little bit of time to go on your phone and find the contact you're looking for.

So instead of phoning each other, we have another idea which is one of our best ones. Just yell. We'll be kinda close together, so if one of us yells the other person can hear it!

Our last option is my favourite. It's this thing that Donnie invented a while ago but never used it. You strap it to your arm and there's a button that is kinda hard to tell is there. When you press the button it kinda tickles the other persons arm.

We made a quick plan. Since you might accidentally press the button, we decided that you press the button twice in a row to tell them you need help.

Mikey and I were all set. We picked out what area we wanted to cover of the sewer, and grabbed everything we needed. We went to our areas, and made sure that we could hear each other.

"Hello!" Mikey yelled.

"Yep, I can here you." I yelled back at him.

"What was that, I couldn't here you!" Mikey responded.

I sighed. I know he heard me because how else would he know I said something.

Now that everything was ready, all we could do is wait for something to happen. That's if something does happen.

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