Chapter 32

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Donnie's POV

Raph, Mikey, Splinter and I waited patiently for Leo to come back. We were only starting to worry more when he was gone for over twenty minutes!

"Should I text him?" Raph asked.

"No," Master Splinter said. "He needs no distractions."

We sat there quietly again. Why are we all so worried about Leo? He's fought Shredder plenty of times! It's probably the fact that he's injured that makes us worried. Why did we leave him alone anyways?

We all sat there doing nothing. It was then when I decided to speak up.

"Why don't we all do something instead of just sitting here. It's just making us more nervous than we should be!" I explained.

"Donatello is right, you three go do something," Splinter suggested.

The three of us nodded our heads and walked off. We ended up all going to Raph's room.

As we entered, Raph sat on his bed, Mikey sat on a chair and as for me, I took the floor. We all looked at each other not knowing what to do or say!

Mikey was the first one to speak up. "So, this was a crazy day."

He did have a point there. We fought, got tied up, had to get Leo to save us. A lot has happened today. I'll have a good night sleep tonight.

"Yeah, it sure was," Raph replied.

We kept on talking to distract us from the fact that Leo might be in danger. All I hope is that he's alright.

While we were in the middle of talking, there was a knock on the door. Raph got up and answered it.

"Hello," he said as he swung the door open. Splinter was on the other side of it.

"Leonardo has come back. Donatello needs to come check on his back."

Raph nodded as I got up. I'm glad that he's back, now I just have to check to see what's wrong with his back. I'm guessing that there'll be cracks on it considering how far he fell from!

I walked out of the room and although I was the one he really needed, my two brothers followed me as I went to the lab.

I walked in and saw Leo lying on the table on his stomach. His head was rested on the table, but when I came in he looked up. I could see that this pained him to just even lift his back a little.

"It's okay, you just relax," I say.

He immediately goes back to having his face on the table. I approach him and take a look at his shell.

Right away I can see major damage done. There was an awfully large crack, follow by three smaller ones. Not only that, but a part of his shell about the size of quarter was gone!

"You've got some cracks in your shell," I explain. "Also a piece missing out of it!"

"What? He asked shocked by the last part. He tried to get up, but the pain stops him an he goes back to lying down.

"What do you mean there's a piece missing?"

"I mean you cracked your shell enough for a piece to be gone!" I say rephrasing it.

He goes silent for a moment. I can tell that this shocked Leo. I break the silence by talking.

"Don't worry, it'll heal in time."

"How much time?" He asks.

I look at the cracks and the missing piece of the shell. I'm not certain how long.

"It could be up to 3-6 months to fully heal," I say.

I cannot see him, but I know this shocks him even more. He made this risk probably not knowing what damage it would do. He most likely thought it wouldn't be this serious.

"So how long will it be until I can at least go walking without my pain accruing?" Leo asked.

"I'm guessing about a week or two. But to do any training or anything, I say you should wait until it's fully healed."

Leo sighed. I don't think that's what he was hoping for, but that's how it's going to have to be!

Leo's POV

I found out that not only had I cracked my back in several places, but I also have a missing piece from my shell. I'm not to thrilled with the idea of it taking forever to heal, but I can't do anything about it.

We all gather around in the living room. I never did explain to them how I managed to escape.

"And instead of choosing to run, decided that I needed to fight him," I explained.

"When you were injured?" Raph asked.

I shrugged. The important thing was that I managed to survive.

I had to get my back rapped in some kind if wrap thing. It was weird to have, but it was only there to help.

I continued to tell my story. They seemed surprised that I took on Shredder with such a badly damaged back.

"What were you thinking? You could've died!" Mikey added.

"We always take the risk of dying, don't we?" I asked.

I have a point here. Even if I wasn't injured I had a chance of dying. Yeah this is a better chance, but we always take risks.

We all sat in the living room talking. Some people may say that today was a fail. I injured myself, and let Shredder get away, again.

However, I'm not one of those people. Yeah some crazy things may have happened, but at the end of the day, we managed to stop Shredder from finding our lair, rescue my brothers, and get away from Shredder.

Breaking my back isn't a fun thing, but it was worth saving my brothers. I'd rather injure myself any day than let my brothers die.

The End!

(Thanks everyone for reading my second book! This will be the last one from this series but I'll continue to write books.

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