Chapter 12

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Rocksteady's POV

We had just discovered that the turtles are in Shredders lair with us. Or at least two of them are.

I was chasing them when all of a sudden they decided to split up. I ended up following the blue one.

"They just split up!" I told everyone listening through the head sets.

"Bebop go find the other turtle!" Shredder demanded.

"Yes master."

I ran after the turtle as he tried to loose me. He was fast. Maybe even faster than me.

I tried to keep up with him but after a while I started to really get tiered. I was slowing down, but didn't give up. While he was running, I lost him. I'm not sure if he turned a different way, or if he is just way ahead of me.

I stopped running to take a break. I started to pant and just felt like sleeping. As much as I wanted to give up, I knew I had to continue looking.

I was searching every room for him. Where is he and how hard can it be to find him? We still aren't entirely sure why they're here, but we think they know about the tracking device.

As I searched for Leonardo, I decided to talk on the head set.

"Has anyone seen the blue one?" I asked just in case they saw him.

"You lost him already?" Shredder asked sounding angry with me.

I laughed nervously. "Maybe."

I waited for there to be an answer. However Shredder didn't say anything else.

"No I haven't seen him," Bebop answered my question.

They were no help. I just had to keep on looking in every room and hope that I can eventually find him again. Of I don't, Shredder won't be too happy with me.

Mikey's POV

I was still hearing foot steps. I knew they were getting very close to me, but I didn't know how close they were. My nunchucks are in my hands and ready to fight.

I feel like they're circling me even though I don't see anyone. You can see in the sewers, but since it's night time it is a little dark. All I hope is that it doesn't go pitched black anytime soon.

As I stood there the foot steps grew louder. I wasn't even nervous at this point since all I here is them go and stop.

They got really loud then stopped. I could've sworn they were right by me this time. It was too loud for them to be far away.

"You said left, right?" I heard someone ask. The voice was loud. I have a feeling if they turn right they'll get to me.

"He said left!" another one said. I wasn't a hundred percent sure, but I think the second voice is Tiger Claw.

Since they were turning left instead of right where I am, I decided to sneak up behind then and follow them. I know that I'm supposed to stay in one area, but it's important to know where they are at all times.

I went around the corner and sure enough they were there. I stayed behind that corner so they couldn't see me. I'm not going to attack, just going to spy.

"Right!" Tiger Claw instructed.

It was three of them. Tiger Claw, Rahzar and Fishface. The odds of me winning in a fight against three of them were slim. I had to be extra silent.

"Are you sure you know where you're going? FIshface asked someone.

I was confused. Who is he asking? At that moment I saw something on their heads. I couldn't really see what it was but even I could figure out that they were headsets.

Why can't we have cool things like those? I'll have to remember to ask Donnie for some after.

I continued to follow them as they turned left and right. I was as quiet as I could be, hoping that I could here the people on the head sets talk. However I couldn't no matter how silent I was. I guess I had to get a lot closer to listen.

They continued to walk. I was starting to get really nervous considering they were approaching the lair.

Within a few minutes they'd be at the lair. Donnie and Leo better hurry up. I had to distract them. I'm not sure if I can distract them for a long time, but I'll try.

I pressed the button twice on my arm to let Raph know that I was about to fight them.

I came up with a quick plan then proceeded with it.

My plan was quick and simple. I was going to scream which would get their attention. Next they'd come looking for me and that'd get them away from the lair.

I'd let them see me, but run. They'd follow since they knew I was there, then that'd buy Leo and Donnie time.

If they caught up to me, it'd leave me no choice but to fight them which would buy us even more time. That was it. Hopefully the plan works like it should, or else this could be interesting.

I wasn't that far away from them so I don't have to scream loud. I counted to three silently then let out a scream.

I quickly looked around the corner to see their reactions. They were pretty funny.

"What was that?" Fishface asked.

"I don't know but we'll check it out." Tiger Claw replied.

They turned the corner and I made sure that they saw me. The next part of the plan was simple. Run and don't let them catch me!

Hey guys, this is just a short authors note. I was wondering if you could leave a comment and tell me what you think of this book so far. I haven't heard much for you guys and was wondering if you enjoy it or not. That's all I have to say so see you later and I'll try to update soon!

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