Chapter 19

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Leo's POV

I knew it had to be done. I knew I had to go into that room with Shredder in it. I know that I'd have to fight him, but I have to remember to destroy the computer. After all that is the reason I'm here.

I took out one katana and held it tightly in one hand. The other hand was empty so I could open the door.

I sighed. I didn't want to do this, especially alone. However there was no way I was getting out of this one.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. Quickly I took out my other katana.

Both Shredder and Stockman Fly looked at me. Shredder had a big grin on his face. He was more than happy to see me.

"I thought you'd show up soon," Shredder said.

I didn't answer him. I was too focused on making a plan. I know that I have to strike at the computer first.

I took out three ninja stars. I made it look like I was aiming at him, but really was going to throw them at the computer.

Well that was my plan. Well at least it was until Shredder decided to move over and block the computer! The worst part about it was that he didn't even know that he was messing up my plan!

I decided to throw them at him. However Shredder lifted up his blades and blocked them all.

"I didn't know you were here to fight," Shredder said. He knew that I didn't want to fight him now. There is no way that I would voluntarily go into his lair.

He ran at me with his blades in front of him. He was ready to attack me. I dodged it by ducking down, and tried to kick him out at the knees.

When I went for the knees, I didn't use a hard enough force so it unfortunately didn't work.

I quickly got back up and swung my katanas at him. He grabbed one by the blade and threw me onto the ground.

My back started to hurt. The way I landed from the throw didn't feel right. I had landed wrong, but that didn't stop me.

I got back up and tried to kick him. Shredder moved to the left, and I ended up kicking air.

At this point I threw another ninja star at him. Shredder blocked it and kicked me in the chest.

I went flying across the room until I hit the wall. That definitely didn't help the fact that my back was already hurting. Now it only hurt more!

I had no choice but to get up. Although my back was in pain, I couldn't just give up now! I was to close to finishing this mission!

I charged at Shredder with my two blades swinging at him. Shredder blocked them both.

He ran at me with his blade. I moved over to the left. Apparently I didn't move over far enough because I felt a slicing pain going across my arm.

Shredder hit my right arm. It started to bleed. The cut wasn't too deep, but was way bigger that a scratch.

I knew this had to end. This fight had gone too far too fast. I threw a smoke bomb to the ground followed by three ninja stars.

All three of them hit the computer. The computer started to make weird noises. It shut down, and there was no way it was going to be fixed.

I quickly ran out of there. I knew that I'd be followed by Shredder, so I threw two more smoke bombs on the ground to confuse him. One in the direction that I was going, and one a different direction. This way he wouldn't know where to go!

I continued to run looking for an exit. I had to be careful not to run into Rocksteady or Bebop. They would only cause more trouble.

As I continued to run, I felt my phone vibrate. My phone was on silent so I knew I was getting a phone call.

I knew where I was running to, so I answered the phone. I looked at it and realized that it was Donnie! I was so glad to see that it was him.

"Donnie! Guess what..." I started but got interrupted.

"This isn't your brother Donatello. He has been chained up, with the rest of your brothers. He tried to save them and failed. If you want to ever see them again, meet me at the abandoned warehouse at 47 street at 7:00pm. Bring your rat master if you wish to live."

Then they hung up. I knew right away who it was backed on their voice. Tiger Claw...

By this time I had managed to find the room I was going to escape through. I crawled out the window and started to sprint to the lair. I had to get Splinter and tell him what's going on.

I should've never left Donnie alone to fight Tiger Claw. Tiger Claw is a well taught fighter. What kind of leader am I to leave Donnie to fight him alone?

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