Chapter 25

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Leo's POV

I went to take on Rahzar next. I know that Tiger Claw is going to be a harder appoint, so why not get Rahzar out of the way?

I had just taken down some foot soldiers and some members of the foot. Splinter is still fighter Shredder. It may take then a while for one of them to win.

I ran up to Rahzar with both of my katanas out. I swung the two blades at him. Rahzar grabbed ahold of one of them and snapped it in two!

This is just great! Now not only do I have to take him down with one blade, but I also had to take Tiger Claw down with one blade!

I decided to put my remaining katana away. I couldn't let this one get broken too. I'd have to fight with no weapons other than my ninja stars.

This time he ran up to me. He tried clawing at me. Every time I'd avoid it by either jumping or ducking. He never did end up hitting me.

Next I went to kick him. He tried backing up out of the way, but I still managed to kick him! He fell to the ground, but it didn't take long for him to get back up.

I knew that this fight could go on for a while. I had to take him down like I did with the others, by louring them into a trap.

I looked around the room to see where the nearest one was. I couldn't spot any at first until I looked to the left of me. There was one that wasn't too far away!

This time he tried to kick me. I ducked so that he missed. As soon as I got back up, I threw three ninja stars at him!

One of the three went in the complete opposite direction. Rahzar moved out of the way so that one didn't hit him. For the last one, he caught it!

I was amazed by that. So amazed that I almost didn't duck when he threw it back at me. Luckily I realized what was happening just in time. I quickly moved out of the way!

I walked up to him forcing him to walk backwards in the direction of the trap. I don't think he knows that there is a trap behind him. Hopefully he doesn't.

I continued to try to punch and kick him. I kept on doing it without hardly any paused in the middle. He really had no choice but to back up! Eventually I pushed him far back enough for him to step in the trap.

Once he did step on the rope, it tightened around his foot and brought him right to the ceiling!

Now that I had taken down Rahzar, Tiger Claw was next. Hopefully I can trick him into going in one of the traps. If not, this fight could go on for a while. Especially considering I'm down to one katana and his guns are broken thanks to me.

I looked around the room for Tiger Claw so that we could start out fight. I was very confused when I couldn't spot him!

I looked around again and saw him walking out of this closet! It was all fine until I realized something. He was walking out with Mikey in his arms!

Mikey was all chained up. He couldn't do anything to try and escape. It would be useless.

"If you want to save your brother, I suggest you come here, and fast!" Tiger Claw warned pulling his sword out.

I had to get to Mikey! I could cut him out of the chains, and he could help me fight!

I ran over there as fast as I could to free him. However, I was stopped when I was halfway there! It turns out it was a trap! Once I ran over there, I didn't even notice that I was about to step I a trap! Once I did, it was already to late.

The trap sent me flying to the ceiling! I was hanging by my foot with the rest of the foot. I swear the ceiling is at least 40 feet high. And this I why I have no idea how I'm going to get down. Right now, all I can hope is that Splinter doesn't also get trapped...

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