Chapter 11

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Leo's POV

Donnie and I were just about to enter Shredders lair. We decided to sneak in through a window on the side of the building.

I lead the way, and waited for Donnie to follow. Donnie hopped through the window and stood next to me.

"Where would it be?" he asked referring to the computer.

I had to think for a minute. This was a question I never really thought through before it was mentioned.

"Maybe the room with the...computers?" I said not sure.

"Makes sense, but only one problem. He doesn't have a computer room!" Donnie explained.

"Then I have no clue!" I told him.

We decided to just walk around and try to find the room. Yeah this would take a while to find it, but what other choice did we have?

We creeped down the hallway looking for the computer. Once we got to any room, I'd pop my head in there and see if the computer was there. If it wasn't, we'd just keep on walking.

"Not in there," I explained as I popped my head of of a room.

"Not this one either," Donnie said looking in a room.

We continued to walk to every room and look in it.

"How many rooms can there be?" Donnie asked.

"Apparently a lot," I replied.

As we approached another one, I called out quietly "I've got this one."

I put my head in the room to look around. I was confused about the lights being on, until I heard someone. It was Rock Steady.

I heard him talk to someone, but the room was empty besides him in it. I tried to hear what he was saying when suddenly he turned around.

"Ha!" he yelled in surprise.

Donnie didn't know what was going on. He heard Rock Steady yell, then he screamed!

"Lets go!" I yelled.

The two if us started running. Rock Steady came out of the room and followed us. We tried to lose him by cutting corners but he just followed.

"Now what?" Donnie asked quiet enough so just I could hear.

I started to panic. Think of a plan Leo. Think!

"We could always..." I started but didn't know how to finish it.

"We could split up," Donnie suggested.

"No way," I answered without having to think about it.

"Then what's your plan Leo?" Donnie asked.

I thought for a moment. I couldn't think of anything. I looked back and realized that he was catching up.

Ahead of us were two hallways that went in two separate directions. I guess his plan will have to do.

"Fine," I agreed to his plan.

I took the right hallway and Donnie took the left one. All that I hope is that he doesn't get hurt. Or I don't either.

Mikey's POV

I was just standing there. I had nothing to do since nothing was happening.

I was tempted to leave, but I knew the minute I left something would happen.

It's been well over an hour now. I'm starting to get really bored. Do I just stand here?

I was sick of standing, so I took a seat. The minute I sat down I could've swore I heard something. It was either footsteps, or my stomach. I can't tell the difference sometimes.

I heard it again, but this time louder. I knew it was footsteps. I stood up and got out my nunchucks. I was ready to fight what ever was coming my way.

As I stood there and nothing happened, I was starting to think that it's just Raph. Wouldn't something already happened if it was the foot?

I wasn't going to take any chances by putting my weapons away, so I held them tightly.

Once again, the footsteps were louder, and louder, then suddenly stopped. I looked around me. No sight of anyone.

I don't understand why they get louder then stop for a while. Can't they just come already?

I waited. The footsteps got louder, and louder. This was driving me insane! I don't know if they were trying to do that, but it was working.

Louder, louder, stop. Louder, stop.

This was freaking me out. If this is Raph I'm going to kill him when we're done here.

All of a sudden they started to get really loud. When they stopped, I knew they were close by, really close.

This was it. I was ready to fight. I was ready for revenge after what they did to my family last time we fought.

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