Chapter 18

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Donnie's POV

I ran down the halls of Shredder's lair. I had to escape fast and not get seen! If I have any distractions I may not be able to get there in time to save Mikey and Raph!

I knew that I couldn't take the main entrance out because it would be guarded. Instead I decided to find a window.

The closest room to me was the one I went into. I quickly looked for a window, but noticed there was none. I left the room and continued to search.

Instead of going into the rooms, I decided just to pop my head in and check. This way it'd be a lot faster and I could save time.

The next room I checked didn't have a window, but the one after that did. I ran into the room and closed the door behind me.

I took a few breaths, then exited the room through the window. I landed on my feet, and started to run.

I decided to go through the nearest manhole cover that I could find. I don't know where it'll take me but we'll just have to wait and see.

As I ran across the streets, extra careful that nobody would see me, I spotted a manhole cover! The only problem was that it was on a street with a lot of cars and people!

I decided that I'd just have to wait until the cars passed by! I stood in a corner where it was dark. I didn't want to be spotted or else I could get in some big trouble.

After two minutes I realized that the cars weren't dying down! I started to panic! Mikey said if I'm not there within half an hour they'd be killed!

I knew that I couldn't stay there because the cars would still most like keep coming.

I ran to the next street over. I got nervous when I realized that there was no manhole cover!

Where is the next one? I could be out for a while looking for one with no people around. I knew what I had to do. I had to go to the one I normally go to even though it's about five minutes away.

Five minutes is a long time consider I only have 30. I bet I've already wasted 8 minutes! I knew that five minutes was just gonna have to do!

I sprinted. If it normally takes me five minutes, I'm gonna make it there even faster! Running as fast as I can was going to be the only way I could make it there faster!

I ran around the corners and across the streets. I made it there within 3 minutes! It was a new record!

I went into the sewers and tried to remember which tunnel to go to. Did he say 78 or 87? Or maybe it was 84?

As I tried to remember, I just couldn't. Quickly I took out my phone and read through the text. It took me a few seconds to find it.

"87! I knew it," I called.

I started to run around the sewers. I had to find out which tunnel this was. I found the tag which told you which tunnel it was.


I was shocked! That means that I have to go through a lot of tunnels to find them! There was only one question left. Which way do I go to make the numbers go down?

"Should I go left, right, backwards or forwards?" I asked myself. I panicked. There were too many options! "Lets try right!"

I ran to the right. I looked up every so often to try and find the tag with the number.

"124!" I quickly realized that I was going the wrong way!

One more quick question. Do I go left, forwards or backwards? I decided to go left this time. It would only make sense to go in the opposite direction.

"178?" How is that even possible? That can't be right! It goes from 178 to 123 to 124!

"It must be forwards!"

As I continued running, I couldn't help but wonder how Leo was doing. I had to leave him alone! Now he most likely has to fight Shredder!

67! It was still confusing, but I knew I was at least getting close. I continued to walk forwards and found number 72.

How does this even work. Even though I was confused about this. All I hope is that I'm going in the right direction.

Next I found 76, 78, 80, 84 and 86. I continued walking to hopefully find 87 next. As I was walking, I didn't even have to check the tags to know that I was there. All I had to d was look in front of me.

In front of me were my two brothers tied up. Raph was chained up, probably still passed out. Mikey was sitting up and chained. He had a piece of tape on his mouth so that he couldn't talk.

In front of them was Tiger Claw. He was guarding them, and had his sword out, ready to fight.

Seeing my brothers like this made my spine shiver. I knew that the only way for them to be saved is if I can get passed Tiger Claw! Unfortunately for me, Tiger Claw is a very hard competitor. And if I wanted to ever see my brothers alive again, I'd have to to beat him.

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