Chapter 20

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Leo's POV

I rushed back to the lair. I had to tell Master Splinter what was going on. If we didn't go to the warehouse, they were going to kill them. All three of them.

Once I got back to the lair, Splinter was in the kitchen. He was seated at the table. I took a seat in front of him.

For a moment the two of us didn't say a word. Splinter stared at me as if he was trying to figure out what was wrong.

Finally Splinter broke the silence. "What is wrong Leonardo?"

I sighed. I had to explain the whole thing to him but in a quicker way.

"You know how we were supposed to break the computer?" I asked.

Splinter nodded his head yes. I continued on with my story.

"Anyways Donnie and I went to break it while Raph and Mikey guarded the sewers. Things went wrong and both Mikey and Raph got caught by Tiger Claw."

As I spoke Splinter listened to every word I spoke as if it was the most important story in the world. He didn't interrupt me or loose focus.

"I sent Donnie out to save them since I was going to break the computer. I did break it, but it turns out Donnie also got captured! I got a message from Tiger Claw saying that the two of us have to save them or else they'll be killed."

At the ending Splinters ears went up. He was shocked by the fact that all but me were captured.

"Then we must go and save your brothers," Splinter answered surprisingly very calmly.

I nodded my head. We are their last hope. If we mess up, then we'll all be killed!

"So where is this place where we must rescue them?" Splinter asked.

I had just realized that I hadn't told him about the place yet! "It's an old warehouse on 47th street," I explained.

"It should only take us a few minutes to get there," I added.

Splinter went into the dojo. I followed closely behind. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but I most likely wanted to be a part of it.

It turns out that Splinter was getting some weapons for himself. Normally he doesn't bring extra weapons but in this case it's very important. There are three lives that could be killed. The worst part it that they're my brothers lives!

Splinter was going through the weapons, seeing which one he wanted to use. At first he pulled out two tonfas, then put them back. He grabbed out a pair of kamas, but just decided to go with a sword. I'm not sure what kind it is and I didn't really have time to look.

Before we left, I grabbed more ninja stars and smoke bombs. It would be bad if I ran out and I needed some.

With nothing else left, Splinter and I left. We raced out of the sewers and before we knew it we were on the surface.

Since we didn't want to be spotted, we went on the rooftops like my brothers and I normally do. This way there is a lower chance of us getting seen.

I lead the way to the warehouse since I knew the streets better. Splinter doesn't come to the surface that often, so he isn't that familiar with buildings and streets.

We had arrived shortly after. We were right in front of the building. The two of us sat on the roof observing the building.

"We'll take the side window to get in," Splinter directed me.

It was weird for someone else tell me what to do. Normally I am the one who leads the team.

"We'll take out everyone then go for your brothers," Splinter explained.

I nodded to show that I understood. I grabbed out a pair of binoculars to see the inside of the building. I couldn't pick out much because of the foggy windows.

"Lets go," I said.

The two of us made out way to the other side the street. Splinter and I looked through the window. What laid ahead of us was only bad news. Inside there were about 50 foot soldiers, Fishface, Tiger Claw, Rahzar, Stockman Fly, and worst if all Shredder.

This only was going to make this trip a lot harder then it needed to be. We stopped them from finding out lair, but could we stop them from killing us and our brothers?

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