Chapter 16

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Leo's POV

I was running away from Rocksteady and Bebop. They were chasing me since I had just escaped from being chained up.

While I was running, I texted Donnie. The text said "I'm not in the main room anymore. Currently being chased by Rocksteady and Bebop, but don't worry. Still go to the main room, I'll catch up in a few minutes."

I knew I just had to do one thing to loose them. All I had to do was throw a smoke bomb to the ground and I'd be gone before they realized it.

Luckily they didn't take them out when they chained me up. They weren't smart enough to do that. I took out a smoke bomb, threw it to the ground and ran to the main room.

While I ran, I checked behind me to make sure that they still weren't chasing me. Luckily they were nowheres in sight.

As I ran into the main room, I saw Donnie immediately. I was so excited to see him again. After all that's happened, it's nice to be with him.

"Leo!" Donnie said running up to me.

"Nice to see you," I said. "We'll talk later, for now let's find that computer.

After all of this, I almost had forgotten about this mission! We've been waisting too much time by getting caught by the foot.

"Follow me," I said leading the way.

We walked down this hall that we didn't check before. If the computer room isn't down here, I don't know where it is!

I checked the first room, but like always, nothing was in there. "Nothing," I called letting Donnie know that this wasn't the room. .

Donnie decided to check the next room since I had just checked the last one. He stuck his head in the room, but when he realized nothing was in there, he took his head out.

"I'll take the next one," I said sounding hopeless. I get that there are a lot of rooms, but shouldn't we have found it by now, or at least have an idea where it is? I'm pretty sure it's been over an hour now, and we have no clue where it is!

When I was about to check the next room, something happened! Rocksteady and Bebop were coming in this direction!

I pulled Donnie into that room before even checking if it was empty. Luckily no one was in there.

The room was pitched black. We couldn't see anything in it. We didn't close the door, because it was never closed to begin with. We didn't want to add any suspicion to it either.

As the two of them passed us, I made a hand signal to let Donnie know to follow me. He nodded his head, and was ready to go.

I quietly walked out of the room. We left not to long after Rocksteady and Bebop left. I decided to follow them, and see where they went. All I hoped is that they didn't turn around and see us.

We followed around twelve feet behind them. It was still almost too close for my liking.

"I guess we should tell the boss that we lost the turtles...again." Rocksteady told Bebop.

"Yeah, and that I lost my headset." Bebop added.

All was I wondering is how do you loose a headset? It's goes on your head, and should stay on your head! Only they would manage to do that!

Donnie and I followed them as they made a right turn, and a left. We passed four more rooms before they ended up turning into and entering a room.

"That's probably where the computer is!" Donnie guessed.

It only made sense. Rocksteady and Bebop were talking about going to see the boss, a.k.a Shredder.

"I'll make sure that that's the correct room," I whispered to Donnie.

I tiptoed to the room. The door was shut and there was no way that I was gonna open the door.

I found a crack in the wood, and looked through there. Not only Rocksteady and Bebop were there, but also Shredder along with Baxter Stockman!

I knew the computer must've been in there. Why else would Shredder be guarding that room?

As I was spying I could hear Shredder yell at the two of them. He was mad that not only did they loose us, but Bebop also lost his headset!

"We didn't have any extras! Now you will have to share with Rocksteady!" Shredder yelled at Bebop.

While Shredder was still yelling, I went back up to Donnie. Donnie had a look on his face with hope. I knew he was hoping that this was the room.

"This is it, but we're not going in until Bebop and Rocksteady leave. If not it'll be four against one," I explained.

Donnie nodded his head to show that he understood.

We waited outside for the two of them to leave. After ten more minutes of waiting, we saw the door open. I pulled Donnie back into that same room to hide in. We didn't want to be spotted, especially this far into the mission.

Once the path was clear we went back into the hallway. We stood outside of the room nervously. So many things could go wrong. We just can't blow this or else they may find out lair!

All that I hoped is that everything works out. Or that they haven't already found our lair!

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