Chapter 16

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Veronica's P.O.V
Hope and Ethan have been acting really weird. Hmmmm. Right now we're at the Eiffel Tower skating around the ice rink.
"Hey Hope can I talk to you for a sec?" Ethan asks. Hope nods and they skate off to the side so I just skate around when I bump into a boy.
"Oh I'm so sorry I'm so clumsy" I say and look up to see a beautiful boy with brown hair and blue eyes. (Picture above)
"No it's my fault I'm so sorry. A beautiful girl like you shouldn't fall." He said and made me blush.
"Here let me help you up" he said while getting up. He held his hand out and I grabbed it and stood. I almost slipped on the ice again but he caught me and our faces were inches apart. I smiled and looked down because I was blushing again.
"By the way my name is Noah" he said smiling and holding his hand out.
"Veronica" I said smiling back and shook his hand.
Ethan's P.O.V
"What are we gonna do about Gray?" I asked.
"I don't know but" she paused and looked at Veronica.
"Hey look" she said smiling. I looked over and saw V talking to some guy. I smiled a little.
"At least we don't haft to worry about Gray hurting her if she likes someone else" Hope said. I nodded.
"Come one lets go bud in" I said smirking. She nodded and we skated over to them.
Veronica's P.O.V
Me and Noah were talking when Eth and Hope came over to us.
"Hey V who's this?" Ethan asked with a smirk.
"This is Noah. Noah this is Hope and Ethan my best friends." I introduced them to each other.
"Hi" Noah said shaking both their hands.
We all talked and then decided to go home.
"Hey Veronica!" Noah yelled before I left the arena.
"I'll meet you guys at the bottom" I said to hope and Eth. They nodded and kept walking while I went back to Noah.
"Hey what's up?" I said to Noah.
"Um I was wondering if I can get your number and we can hang out sometime?" He asked scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"Sure!" I said. We exchanged numbers and agreed to meet the next day at a cafe. I left and met Eth and Hope at the bottom.
"Someone's got a boyfriend" Ethan said.
"Stop it!" I said laughing and punched his arm.
"Ouch" he said holding his arm.
"We just met today" I said still laughing.
"And when are you meeting him again?" Hope asked.
"Tomorrow" I said without thinking.
"Aw Veronica's going on a date! They grow up so fast" Ethan said wiping a fake tear away.
"You want another punch?" I asked him.
"No thank you" he said putting his hands up in defense. I laughed and we walked back to the hotel just talking about random stuff. We walked up to our rooms and said our goodbyes.
Ethan's P.O.V
I walked into the my room and Grayson was sitting in bed with his head in his hands.
"What's up with you?" I asked laying down on my bed.
"I messed up again but Abby kissed me" he said into his hands.
"But you didn't pull away did you?" I ask him. No response.
"Exactly but you had your chance and now you won't get a chance with her" I say shaking my head.
"What do you mean?" He asks finally looking at me.
"She met some guy tonight and they're meeting up again tomorrow idiot" I said.
"WHAT?!?" He yelled.
"You heard me" I said.
"You've gotta be kidding me" he says putting his head back in his hands.
"My life sucks man" he says into his hands.
"Got that right" I said getting comfortable to go to bed.
"Night bro" I said to him.
"Night" he mumbles.

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