Chapter 26

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Veronica's POV

After taking a shower and changing my soaking wet clothes, I layed down on my bed while playing on my phone. Hope walked into the room and took my phone from me.

"Veronica Velazquez where did you go missy? You had me worried half to death!" She said all motherly. I chuckled.

"Chill I just wanted to be alone 'mom'" I said and put 'mom' in air quotes.

"Why did you want to be alone?" She asks me while sitting on her bed.

"Because I did"

"That's not a good enough answer" she crossed her arms.

"Fine because our waiter turns out to be Noah's girlfriend and their on some kind of break." I said and felt a tear go down my cheek. Hope gasps and gives me a big hug.

"I'm so sorry Veronica!" She says still hugging me.

"It's okay" I say and shrug my shoulders. She pulls away and gives me a questioning look.

"I thought you really liked him. You don't seem too sad"

"I did like him but something inside me told me it wasn't going to last and I guess I was right. But I'm mostly sad because all my relationships always end badly. I always end up getting hurt. Is there something wrong with me that guys get tired of me after a while?" I say. There are now tears rolling down my face.

"No not at all! Those guys are just idiots! All of them! Noah, Mike, whoever else you date. They're all assholes. There is nothing wrong with you. You are amazing and any guy would be stupid to hurt you." She says. I pull her into a hug.

"Thanks hope your the best friend ever" I say.

"So are you" she says.

"Wanna Netflix and chill with Gray and Eth?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"Ew Hope no! Your gross" I say laughing and slightly punch her shoulder.

"We can just watch Netflix then" she says and I nod. She goes out the room to get the guys and I quickly check myself in the mirror. Wait why are you checking yourself? It's just Gray and Eth. Do you probably like Gray? He did comfort you and fight Mike for you. Ugh I don't know.

I hear the door knob starting to open and I quickly jump back in bed. Just then, hope comes in with Eth and Gray trailing behind her.

"So you guys can sit on the couch or we can share the beds in some way" Hope says and shrugs her shoulders.

"I say bed they're way more comfortable" Ethan says and jumps into Hopes bed.

"Okay so how we doing this? Me and hope in one bed and you two in another? Wow okay this sounds so wrong" I chuckle.

"Nah that's gay. How about me and you in one bed and Eth and Hope in another?" Grayson says looking at me.

"Fine but you boys better not get any dirty thoughts" I say pointing to both of the guys. They put their hands up in defense.

"We won't" they says in unison and chuckle. Hope climbs into bed with Eth and they kind of snuggle in some way. Then Grayson starts his way to my bed.
(Btw I know what you dirty minded people think is going to happen but you can just shut that down☝🏼️)

He sits down and it's awkward between us. When the movie starts, Grayson wiggles his arm around my shoulder and I kind of snuggle into his chest. Damn this boy smells good as f*ck. I feel my eyelids getting heavier by the minute. But before I get a chance to close them completely I feel someone staring at me.

Grayson's POV

I think Veronica fell asleep on me. She looks so beautiful snuggled into my chest. This feels...... Right.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" Veronica whispers for only me to hear and then sits up a bit to look at me. I feel my cheeks burning up.

"I wasn't- I mean it was- I didn't mean to-" she cuts me off.

"Jeez relax its okay" she says and giggles. I chuckle nervously. She lays back down and I let out a sigh of relief. I feel her breathing getting heavier land I glance over to see her eyes completely closed. Her leg lazily drapes over mine and I tense up a bit. She hugs my stomach and I feel some type of way that I just can't explain. I look over to Eth and Hope and they're both knocked out on each other. I stealthily grab my phone and take a picture of them sleeping and I send it to Ethan who left his phone in our room. I then take a picture of Veronica sleeping on my stomach.

"Hey I know I'm beautiful but can you not take a picture of me while I'm sleeping" Veronica says half awake making me jump a little. I feel my cheeks heating up again and quickly put my phone away. I turn off the Tv then shift a bit so now I'm laying down and Veronica's head is on my chest. I stare at the ceiling. I wish this could be every night.

I feel myself drifting off to sleep and the next thing I know I'm knocked out with my favorite person in the world sleeping on top of me.

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