Chapter 20

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Veronica's P.O.V
-the next day (skip the date)-
A/n: sorry don't feel like putting the whole date in detail so I just decided to skip it.

My date with Noah was amazing. He took me to a fancy restaurant and it was so nice and wonderful. I don't even think of Grayson anymore besides when I said his name right now but besides that, Grayson who??

I walked into the hotel room and was so happy. But then what I saw made me want to cry.

"Hey glad your back! Start packing were leaving for the airport in the morning." Hope says. Damn it I forgot that we were leaving tomorrow.

"Veronica what's wrong?" Hope asks sitting down on her bed.

"I forgot we were leaving tomorrow and I'm just starting up my relationship with Noah" I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"V. Not to be rude but did you really expect it to last? I mean we're on vacation. Sorry but we both knew you knew it wasn't going to last. I'm sorry V." She says and gives me a hug. I sigh and let another tear roll down my cheek because I know she's right.

"Your right thanks hope." I said.

"Ive gotta call Noah" I say and walk out the room. I hear a faint 'good luck' as I close the door. I sigh and pull out my phone.



"Hey Noah"

"Oh hey Veronica!" He sounds so peppy. I hate how I'm about to ruin that.

"Listen I haft to tell you something" we say at the same time. We both chuckle.

"You go first" we say In unison again.

"No seriously you go" I say.

"Ok well.... Imleavingtoafricatomorrow" he says in one breath.

"Woah! Slow down I can't understand you" I say giggling. I hear him sigh.

"I'm sorry Veronica but I'm leaving to Africa tomorrow" he says and I perk up.


"Okay you sound happy. Is that good or bad?"

"Good. Really good. Like really really good."

"Well tell me would you!*chuckles*"

"Okay well I'm going to Africa tomorrow too!"

"seriously? That is really creepy"

"Yea it is but don't question it now we can be together-" I stop myself from saying anything else.

"Sorry Noah I-i didn't mean that"

"No it's okay I'm glad we can be together too" he says. I smile and we agree to meet up at the airport since we're on the same plane too?? That's freaking creepy but oh well.

I walked back to the room and hope gave me a sympathetic look.

"It's okay turns out Noah is coming to Africa too and is on the same plane as us. It's freaky but I'm not complaining. I'm so happy and excited!" I said.

"Okay that is really creepy but I'm just glad your happy again" she says smiling. I lay down from my exhausting day and it's only 3:35.

"Aye don't get too comfy we still haft to go to that fancy ball tonight!" Hope says throwing a pillow at me. I groan.

"What ball? I was not informed of a ball." I say.

"Really? Because Grayson said- wait never mind" she says and looks away quickly.

"What did Grayson say?" I ask very curious.

"*sigh* grayson said that he asked you if you wanted to go and that you said yes" she said.

"Well that clearly didn't happen! Everyone knows I hate getting all dressed up fancy. I'm not going!" I say and bury my face in my pillow.

"Oh well too bad your going and I don't care what you say. We already bought the tickets to it. So get your ass up and let's go to the mall." She says pulling my arm.

"But Hoooooopeeee! Everyone came to accompany someone and mine is Grayson and I really don't feel like going with him." I say and it comes out a little muffled because of the pillow.

"Well then you'll go with. Ethan and I'll go with *gulps* Grayson" she says. I look up from my pillow to see her look upset.

"Hey what's wrong? You look sad all of a sudden? What's up?" I asked and sit upright on the bed.

"N-nothing" she stutters and I automatically knows she's lying because she doesn't make eye contact.

"Hope your my best friend I know your lying" i say to her.

"W-what I'm not l-lying" she stutters again.

"Fine then look me in the eye and tell me that your fine" I say. She looks me in the eyes.

"I-I'm f-. I'm not fine Veronica. The truth is......." She trails off and I stare at her to go on.

"................" She mumbles something but I couldn't hear her.

"What? Speak louder I can't hear you!" I demand.

"I LIKE ETHAN" she yells then covers her mouth. My jaw is probably on the floor by now.

"You like. Ethan?!" I say still not believing what I'm hearing. She slowly nods.

"FINALLY HOPE" I yell and jump on her laughing. She looks at me confused.

"I had a feeling you guys like each other" I say smirking.

"Well you were wrong. I like him but he doesn't like me back." She said and ended with a sigh. I shook my head so much I think my neck broke.

"P-lease he like totally likes you I see the way he looks at you. It's tots adorbs." I said in a white girl voice causing us both to burst out laughing. Once we calmed down she looked at me.

"You really think so?" She asks me.

"I don't think I know" I said flipping my hair. She giggled and gave me a big hug.

"Thanks" she said.

"No problem and you can go with Ethan" I smirked.

"No no no no no no no. No. I'm not letting you suffer with Grayson" she said crossing her arms.

"Yea but I want to fire up you and Ethan to let you have alone time" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"But I'm not letting you suffer alone time with Grayson" she said sternly. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine" I said.

"Good now SHOPPING!" She screamed and pulled my arm causing me to fall on the floor. We both laughed and to the mall we go.

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