Chapter 36

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Dakota's POV

It's been a week and 5 days since the accident and Veronica still hasn't woken up. I'm getting more worried everyday that she won't wake up. The doctors haven't found any sign of her waking up anytime soon beside the time she teared up a little. (A/N I was thinking of making her stay in a coma for like a month or more to make it dramatic but then I was like 'nah that's too long'.)The doctors think I imagined her squeeze my hand but I know I didn't imagine that.

"Dude you've gotta get some sleep. You've barely slept since she's been in here." Ethan says as he enters the room. I roll my eyes at him.

"Tell that to Blake, he's worse than me." I say and point to him. Me and him haven't left her room at all besides to go to the bathroom. People have been bringing us food to eat for us. We barely sleep, but the only time we do is when we literally can't keep our eyes open and take like a 30 minute nap. Grayson has been coming everyday but isn't going as crazy as me and Blake.

"Well you both need to sleep. I'll watch her and call you if anything new happens."

"I'm not leaving" me and Blake say in unison.

"Well can at least one of you go and sleep on the spare bed in this room? It's unhealthy to go so long without sleep." The girl, who I learned her name is Hope, says as she enters the room.

"Blake you sleep first" I say to him and he nods. He gets up from the chair, stretches, then shuffles over to the spare bed in the room. I'll sleep later. He falls onto the bed and I almost immediately hear snores emerge from him.

"Dakota you need sleep too" Ethan says as he sits in the seat Blake was sitting in.

"When Blakes done" I say. He sighs and nods his head.

I stare at all the tubes that connect to Veronica's body. There's one that feeds her, one that keeps her breathing, and one that takes care of her bathroom problems. There are many more that I have no idea what they do.

Suddenly, Veronica's heart monitor stops beeping and one long beep fills the air.

"What's happening?" Ethan asks panicked as he stands up.

"Hope, get a doctor now! Ethan, wake up Blake!" I command. They both do as told. Blake wakes up and starts to cry.

"No no no no no. Veronica, you've gotta fight it! Fight! Stay with me! I can't lose you!" Blake cries while holding her hand.

The doctors and nurses start rushing in and nurses tell us all to wait in the waiting room.

"NO! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!? TELL ME NOW! IM NOT LEAVING NY SISTER!" Blake yells as he tries to push past them but then security comes and takes him away to the waiting room. He fights but then falls limp as we all watch the doctor and nurses rush Veronica to surgery. We're all crying right now, worried that Veronica won't make it. We make it to the waiting room and then all sit down impatiently.

"Dude, stay positive." I say to Blake as I pat his back.

"How can I? I fall asleep for five minutes and my sister's fucking heart stops. I can't handle this. Me and her were so close. Our parents are always working and they don't give two shits about us. Not even when we were little. We only had each other and now I might lose her. She's only 17. She should be dating boys and I should be acting over protective about it. But instead, she's in a fucking coma!" He says angry and sad at the same time.

"I know it's hard, but she'll be okay"

"You don't know that! Nobody knows if she'll be okay! This isn't a fairytale where everything ends up okay and happy! This is real fucking life and whether we like it or not, Veronica may die!" He says now angry. He inhales deeply before speaking again.

"I need some air. I need to be alone and think. Come get me if you hear anything" he says then walks out the hospital doors. I sigh and put my head in my hands.

"It'll be fine dude." I hear Ethan say as he sits in the seat next to me.

"Did you hear that whole convo?" I ask into my hands.

"Yea, the whole room heard it" he sighs.

"He's right, you know?" I say and take my head out of my hands.

"About what?" He asks confused.

"We don't know what will happen to Veronica. She could die. As much I hate to say it, it doesn't look like this story will have a happy ending"


Wassup guys☄✨💦

I know I suck for not making it more about the twins but bear with me. I'll make it all about the twins the next chapter.

I just thought you guys should know how the people that are hurting the most are feeling.

Peace out my beauties✌🏼️🙂❣

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