Chapter 1 (Rose)

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Disclaimer: This is fictional. Some things are facts, but Issa does not have a girlfriend. This is just fictional. Not real.

I live approximately 2,916 miles away from Issa. I began to fan girl like, everyday over Issa, or twaimz, which is his vine and YouTube. I watch him a lot. But not everyday, that would be way too much. I'm not a complete fan girl about Issa. I just really like him. He's funny and cute.
I live in New York on Long Island, and I've been living there practically my entire life. I'm pretty far away from him, but that's ok. I know that he'll never notice me anyway. I'm just another normal girl. I go to school, I have lots of friends, but I'm not popular popular. It's just that people know me, that's all.
One day I get up, I get dressed in jeans, a llama sweater from Issa's merch, and red converse, I wash my face, comb my blonde hair into a ponytail, and put on a little bit of makeup. I go downstairs to eat breakfast and my mom stands in front of the stove staring into a pot of boiling water to make spaghetti for lunch.
"Hey mom," I greet her and sit down at the table, where a plate of toast and a cup of hot tea waits for me.
"Hi sweetie," Mom says to me. "I'm making spaghetti for lunch, is that ok?"
"Sure." I shrug. "As long as its gluten-free."
Mom just looks surprised. "Wha--"
"I'm just kidding, Mom." I take a bite out of the toast and wash it down with the tea. School starts in 15 minutes, and I want to meet up with my friends. I finish up my toast, gulp down the rest of my tea, grab my backpack, and head out to my car, swinging the car keys in my finger.
I get into the car, set my backpack into the passenger seat, and start the ignition.

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