Chapter 35 (Rose)

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The day goes by quicker than it actually was. At about five, Issa and I went out to dinner in this dimly lit restaurant, and afterwards we went to his hotel room, where we checked on my YouTube channel.
"Wow, 100 views already?" I breath and whistle, impressed.
"Probably because my fabulous face is in it," Issa replies, grinning from ear to ear as we replay it after like the 10th time.
I snicker. "Or because both of our faces are cute together, and people just can't handle all this." I gesture towards my face. "But this actually turned out pretty good."
"Yeah," Issa says, "the quality isn't shitty for once, so it's great, I would say."
"Look if people commented," I tell him. He scrolls down to the comment section, and there are two comments. That's good, you would say. But these comments aren't.
"'Twaimz is a fag, so r u,'" Issa reads. "Harsh, but I get that a lot."
"Is it normal for me to cry?" I ask.
"Yes, but I normally don't, it just gives those haters more reason to hate on me more." I nod in agreement.
"But it's awful that people would say this kinda stuff," I add.
"True," Issa whispers to me as the video finally ends. "Do you want to go ok Netflix?"
"Hell yeah!" I shout, but not too loud.
Issa types in the URL for Netflix and it pops up. He scrolls through all of the shows and movies.
"What should we watch?" He asks.
"I would say PLL, but I want to watch something new."
"How about High School Musical?"
"Old movie, but you're a genius."
Issa clicks on it and it begins.
Throughout the whole movie we giggle and sing along with the songs. I even attempt to do the choreography for, "We're All in This Together" as Issa laughs his head off.
When it's time for me to leave, Issa and I exit the hotel and stand near my car and say our goodbyes.
"Should I visit someday?" I ask him.
"Of course," he tells me. "But I might come back here sometime, or somewhere near here."
I smile. "Awesome! I'll text you everyday, or call you, or sna--"
I couldn't finish what I was about to say because Issa interrupted me in a way that made my heart blow up.

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