Chapter 33 (Rose)

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The next day at school everyone crowds around me, asking me questions about my date with a "celebrity". I try to answer as many questions as possible without saying too much while Lottie, Ruby, and Amber push them away from me while at lunch time finally exploding with questions for me.
"How was it?"
"Did y'all kiss?"
"Is he nice?"
"Did he mention you in YouTube?"
I answered, fun, no (we almost did, though), yes, yes, as they squealed along with me.
I should've expected all of his attention, because it was my choice to go out with Issa. I shouldn't be pissed, so I accept it.
"Are you guys gonna go on another date again?" Lottie asks me.
"Yeah," I reply, "tomorrow."
Amber, Lottie, and Ruby squeal so loud I have to cover my ears and almost everyone in the lunchroom turn towards us. My face turns red and so hot I feel like I have a fever.
"Guys," I hiss, "you're embarrassing me!"
"Sorry," Amber giggles. "We're just so happy for you!"
"That's true!" Ruby chirps and looks at her phone. "Oh, god. I need to go meet Lucas. I'm really sorry guys. Catch you in the bathroom?"
"Sure," Amber says, and Ruby dashes away, towards her boyfriend, Lucas, who was leaning against a wall. We watch her greet him with a peck on the lips and they walk away together, hand in hand.
"They're so cute together," Lottie gushes.
"I know, right?" I say.
"But what I want to see is you and Issa together."
I blush. "But it's illegal for me to date him, Lottie! He's an adult."
"So?" Amber pipes up. "Just wait two years.
"But what if he moves on?" I put my head in my hands.
"I don't know," Lottie whispers.
Amber and Lottie come over to me and hug me. I don't cry, I only smile gratefully at what amazing friends I have.

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