Chapter 20 (Issa)

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"Rose, wake up."
I watch Rose stir in the passenger seat of the car. She fell asleep while I was driving us to the park, and she's been sleeping for almost 20 minutes. She moans and I tap her arm repeatedly until she finally opened her eyes. She looks at me as if I were a ghost and sits up abruptly and starts crying.
"Are you all right?" She cries. "You have a--"
"It's ok," I tell her. "Whatever happened. It was just a dream. What happened?"
The tears stop coming out of Rose's eyes as she begins to explain what happened. How in her dream, we were already in the park, taking a walk, and suddenly some guy came and started beating me up, but Rose defended us and beat him up. Then she dragged me to her car and drove me to the hospital, where they told her I had a brain tumor.
"It's not true," I say. "I'm here. I'm fine. And alive. See?"
Rose nods and sniffles a little bit.
"Let's take a walk," she says and gets out of the car. I follow her and we start walking on the path.
Rose still sniffles a little bit as we walk next to each other, and the first ten minutes or so is silent. It's becoming really awkward.
I finally gather up the courage to lift my arm up.
And wrap it around her shoulders.

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